A evolução do mercado e a ligação entre os mercados europeus e asiáticos.
Este artigo é quase completamente inspirado em uma frase que ouvi de um amigo neste final de semana: ” O mercado asiático está cada vez mais esperto “. De uma maneira geral, a sua afirmação é o resultado de um apanhado de coisas que me fizeram pensar em escrever um pouco de maneira mais solta e corrida sobre como se formam as odds asiáticas e passear um pouco sobre assunto.
Para começo de conversa, é preciso entender que quando falamos de mercado asiático, estamos englobando casas como Sbobet, 188Bet, IBC, ISN, Singbet e outras tantas chinesas, mas também estamos de alguma forma colocando neste meio a Pinnacle que apesar de não ser asiática, é uma gigante em termos de odds e limites, e que nos faz coloca-la no mesmo patamar.
Quando estamos falando de européias, falamos de Bet365, Sportingbet, Bwin, Betfair e outras Sportsbooks mais amadoras no sentido punter.
Alguns clientes, amigos e curiosos já me fizeram várias vezes a mesma pergunta: “Qual a relação entre as casas Europeias e as casas asiáticas em termos de odds, e porque as asiáticas abrem as apostas normalmente bastante tempo depois das Européias ?”
Para entender a ligação entre as odds destes 2 mundos, é preciso entender as características principais de cada um dos dois cenários, de uma forma didática vamos separar no seguinte modo:
Europeias: Normalmente casas para iniciantes, apostadores que procuram bônus e uma variedade de mercado como HT/FT, Ambas equipes Marcam, Time A para não levar gols, Cantos e outros tantos mercados. Normalmente são casas amadoras, que limitam os seus apostadores caso eles consigam levar vantagem (Lucro), comprovado sobre estes bookies, Algumas oferecem opções como Cashouts, o que é muito bem visto pelos brasileiros, e no geral, todas elas possuem odds MUITO MENORESque as casas asiáticas. São casas que limitam normalmente em até 200, 300, 400 USD a aposta nos eventos brasileiros. São conhecidas por aceitar a opção de pagamento via transferência bancária, pois muitos brasileiros (normalmente iniciantes), não possuem uma carteira virtual como Skrill ou Neteller.
Em resumo, podemos taxar estas casas como boas opções para quem tem uma banca modesta, aposta com variedade de mercados mas não se preocupa em ter melhores odds ao longo prazo (O que é errado, mas é tema para outra discussão).
Asiáticas: Ao contrário do que muitos pensam, não é apenas um lugar para quem tem muito dinheiro a apostar. As casas asiáticas (Leia-se também a Pinnacle), são casas mais profissionais, não se importam em oferecer bônus aos seus clientes (embora de uns tempos para cá, algumas tenham entrado neste modelo), 99% não permite que o seu apostador use transferência bancário, e sim trabalham com carteira virtual Skril/Neteller.As casas asiáticas ofercem odds sempre maiores em relação ao mercado Europeu, a média é de 0.3 a 0.10 ticks.
Mas agora vem a cereja do bolo: As casas asiáticas não limitam seus ganhos, não importa se você conseguiu arrancar da casa de aposta 30 mil Dólares, eles vão manter a sua conta e te deixar seguir a vida. Os limites para cada evento são MUITO maiores do que os limites impostos pelas casas europeias, em média 3x maior do que o mercado da 365 por exemplo te libera por aposta, com isto acabam tendo menos sensibilidade nas odds, isto é, menos queda a cada hit apresentado. Normalmente seus mercados são restritos a Total Lines (Over/Under) e HCP Side.
Em resumo: As casas asiáticas não se incomodam em te buscar como cliente, te dando bônus, mil mercados, mas sim em te proporcionar limites, confiança e melhores odds a longo prazo
Uma vez que entendemos as características, vamos ao mercado:
Cada um dos mundos, utilizam oddmakers diferentes para definir um determinado preço do evento, enquanto os oddmakers da Bet365, Sportingbet fazem odds com muita antecedência (3, 4, 5, dias antes do evento), os odds das chinesas lançam normalmente apostas ” Today ” ou seja, no dia do evento, e para algumas ligas grandes, apostas Early.
A diferença é que as casas como a Bet365 define para o mercado brasileiro, preços ajustados quase que totalmente em cima de estatísticas, (não vamos pensar em grandes ligas), os makers não se importam muito em ter controle sobre informações, formas e tantos detalhes, com isto as odds são feitas de forma antecipada e ajustam-se a cada rodada com o básico do importante para cada equipe. Sim, eles sabem que determinado time não contará com 2, 3, 4, jogadores, mas na maioria dos casos isto pouco influi. Usando a Copa SP como exemplo, com um pouco de pesquisa no assunto eles poderiam saber que time X tem Rank melhor que time Y, mas não merecia a odd apresentada, mas porque não fazem então ?
A resposta tem muitas vertentes e é pra lá de complexa, mas de uma maneira geral: Não compensa para a casa mudar o seu portfólio de apostas, sair do seu “enquadro” ou mudar a sua estratégia em um mercado pouco relevante e de poucos limites permitidos não é simplesmente interessante.
A Bet365 e outras europeias, ganham clientes das asiáticas e chamam atenção, justamente por permitir apostas antecipadas dias antes do evento, justamente por ter odds “desajustadas”, justamente por não importa-se com mercado brasileiro, em outras palavras eles liberam uma porção de migalhas como limite, e deixa com que os apostadores ” ajustem o preço dos jogos ” com cada um dos hits que vai moldando a linha até chegar ao seu fair line, de maneira quase automática devido a sensibilidade dos limites apresentados. Em outras palavras, entenda que uma aposta de 200 USD na Bet365 pode despencar 0.10 ticks, enquanto 200 USD em uma grande bookie, não move praticamente nada.
Para a estrategia europeia, mais vale ter limites baixos em Early games, do que limites altos no dia de jogo, pois simplesmente não é do conceito da casa, além disso, existem maneiras de se precaver dos ” profissionais que deveriam estar no mercado asiático, mas atuam no mercado europeu “, como ? “Limitando-os” Ganhe dinheiro deles e a suspensão de sua conta vai chegar, bem rapidinho.
Engana-se quem pensar que de alguma maneira a casa leva seus prejuízos trabalhando assim. Saiba que menos de 3% dos apostadores em todo o mundo levam vantagem sobre os bookies, e saiba também que o juice de cada casa é ajustado de acordo com cada entrada. As casas nunca oferecem @2 para os dois lados, e de oferecer @1.92 e @1.92 já lucram 0.08 de alguém, quando determinado hit chega ao desbalanço, move-se uma linha para o outro lado onde os próximos hits com limites diferentes farão com que a casa equilibre as contas novamente, além disto é comum diversas manobras entre os proprios bookies que apostam uns nos outros fazendo surebets ou trade interno (sim, isso ocorre, e muito!)
E finalmente, qual a relação de um mercado com outro ?
De maneira clara, a frase do meu amigo que deu início a este artigo pode ser respondida por vários modos, mas o mais resumido seria:
Hoje o apostador asiático, sofre uma concorrência de vários lados, Os preços lançados na 365 dias antes de serem lançados na asia, são severamente ajustados pelos apostadores, tornando as linhas de ” value ” para ” fair “, com isto o que você poderia ter -0.25 na asia, como valor, ao ser balanceada com os hits dias antes nas europeias, torna-se -0.5 em fair, ou seja, o apostador asiático sofre uma concorrência interna do próprio mercado europeu que age como fator balanceador, quase como um vilão.
Outro fato, é que na ásia, de fato importa ter um preço justo e cuidado com erros, pois aqui encontram-se Heavy users e é onde o mercado chines age com seus agentes brookers, que são capazes de via local bookies fazer apostas estrondosas aproveitar erros ingênuos, além disto, os oddmakers asiáticos são mais inteligentes, acompanham de perto o mercado brasileiro e embora cometam erros, não os fazem na mesma medida dos Europeus.
Sim, o mercado asiático evoluiu, anos atrás era MUITO, MUITO, diferente!
Não existe o certo ou o errado, existe cada modelo de mercado e mundos diferentes para o apostador, cada um deve encaixa-se no perfil que melhor se identificar, o que precisa ser entendido é como funcionam as ligações entre os dois mundos diferentes.
Espero que tenham gostado, sugestões e dúvidas ? Escrevam!
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This awesome, indica-dominant strain combines the best of the classic, grape strain family to create something new and downright awesome. Not only is it tropical and fruity, with a leading grape flavor instead of the typical citrus, it’s a nice, calming strain that leaves even the most anxious smokers focused and relaxed at the same time. Definitely a must for any indica fan. The Purple Haze is one of the most popular hybrid strains, with 15% Indica and 85% Sativa. Purple Haze is a cross by popular strain Purple Thai x Haze Strain. This strain is named after a classic song by Jimi Hendrix named “Purple Haze.” Mech also suggests doing a tasting by method of intake. Try a strain in flower, dab, shatter, and through a vape, for example.
This Website provides legal information and referrals. For legal advice, contact a lawyer. Cannabis laws are different in each province and territory in Canada. This includes legal age, where cannabis can be sold and consumed, and possession limits. Smoking cigarettes is, without question, bad for your health. But can we say for certain that smoking marijuana is as harmful? Perhaps not for certain, but it is a safe bet according to the available evidence. Studies have shown that smoking marijuana is associated with cancer, respiratory problems and cardiovascular disease. Like many countries, Canada has worked for decades to decrease tobacco smoking. However, the positive effects of this effort may be undone, if the act of smoking in public becomes socially acceptable again after the recreational use of marijuana becomes legal.
The goal of the program is to put the spotlight on cannabis products. Those products, from British Columbia-based Indigenous producers, are in private retail stores, BC Cannabis Stores and also sold online. “Fantastic customer service! Logan, Chris, Justin, Jason, and Valerie were all enthusiastic, sociable, helpful and knowledgeable. I went in with the intent of staying 5 minutes, and ended up spending a half hour. Bonus points for letting me bring my bike in! The west coast has its infamous liberal rap making it a safe haven for weed enthusiasts and hippies alike. Recently though, the federal government has completely legalized marijuana around Canada, making it only the second country in the world to do so. Crazy, right? In Victoria, adults will be able to use recreational marijuana and even grow it without any kind of special licensing required. You’ll be able to grow up to four marijuana plants in your own home- more than enough for a luscious homegrown supply of the magical healing plant.
The MMAR license was Canada’s original medical marijuana cultivation license. It has been through a couple of different name changes, but as of October 17th, 2018 it is known as a personal use production license under the Cannabis Act. If you have an MMAR it is important that you upgrade it to the latest permit. Tax Return and Assessment & Financial Statements – The applicant’s financial statements must be uploaded unless it is a new company. All individuals required to fill out Coquitlam, BC Canada V3B 7N2 Find resources related to cannabis that have been developed for health care professionals and providers. Introduced federal legislation to legalize cannabis across Canada. We are a virtual clinic proudly serving over 80,000 patients across Canada since 2011.
Since moving to the new Emirates stadium, the famous Highbury stadium has been converted into a high end flat development and keeping key features of the stadium history as part of it. Are you a diehard Arsenal fan looking for a new pad? Then this just might be the place for you. A flat situated at the Gunners’ former home in Highbury has been put up for sale on the property website Zoopla. Of Dangoor’s artwork featuring Highbury’s façade, he says, “I’ve heard people say they were moved to tears the first time they saw it”, while of Eighteen Eighty-Six, he says that the strong response stems from a sense among supporters that more recent Arsenal branding misses “this proud, almost armorial quality”, in the old “coat-of-arms badge”, adding, “we had this beautiful blackletter script on our badge for years and years, and that’s very close to the hearts of a lot of the fans”.
UEFA Champions League Everton added the decision was made after the club received “malicious and unacceptably threatening correspondence” in addition to increased instances of “targeted physical aggression” at recent home matches. The Segments Table is a visual representation splitting the teams into 5 segments. Each team is assigned to a specific segment, depending on the team’s number of points. Each of the 5 segments spans one-fifth (20%) of the total points held by the team ranked 1st in the league. For each team, the number of matches played appears in green between brackets, and the number of points is displayed in black. UEFA Europa League 51st min: Gray bursts forward for Everton with his pass back across goal almost deflected into Celtic’s net. This second half has started with a bang.
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Następnego dnia otrzymała przydział na gospodarstwo rolne, gdzieś na Dolnym Śląsku. Swój sierociniec prowadziła tam jeszcze przez wiele lat. *** Wieczór upłynął na podobnych opowieściach. Nigdy więcej nie spotkałam pana Zygmunta. Choć właściwszym byłoby określenie, że więcej już nie zdążyłam go spotkać. Choć minęło bardzo dużo czasu, pomyślałam, że takie historie warto zapisywać i opowiadać, choćby po to, żeby cieszyły kolejnych czytelników i słuchaczy. I żeby pan Zygmunt i jego ciotka zakonnica żyli dalej, w naszej pamięci. Ewa Damentka 153 Następnego dnia otrzymała przydział na gospodarstwo rolne, gdzieś na Dolnym Śląsku. Swój sierociniec prowadziła tam jeszcze przez wiele lat. *** Wieczór upłynął na podobnych opowieściach. Nigdy więcej nie spotkałam pana Zygmunta. Choć właściwszym byłoby określenie, że więcej już nie zdążyłam go spotkać. Choć minęło bardzo dużo czasu, pomyślałam, że takie historie warto zapisywać i opowiadać, choćby po to, żeby cieszyły kolejnych czytelników i słuchaczy. I żeby pan Zygmunt i jego ciotka zakonnica żyli dalej, w naszej pamięci. Ewa Damentka 153
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84-year old Phyllis Henry told the Sun that she only plays the coin-based gaming machines, specifically Double Double Bonus Poker and Joker Poker. slots slot machine games vintage slot ball antique vintage toys red games army art vintage art pattern original unique fun whateverelse whimsical Would you rather travel back in time to play retro Slots or to visit the Wild West? With Wild West Slots you can do both at the same time. As gambling laws were relaxed at the end of the 20th century to allow legal gambling on Native American reservations and to expand the revenue-generating options of many U.S. states, the number of electronic gaming machines (which came to include video poker machines as well as modern slot machines) grew significantly. By the end of the first decade of the 21st century, more than 830,000 electronic gaming machines were operating in the United States, and the capital generated from these devices rose from 40 percent of total casino revenues in 1970 to approximately 70 percent in 2010.
What is the topic and why is it worth studying? – the first major section of text in the paper, the Introduction commonly describes the topic under investigation, summarizes or discusses relevant prior research (for related details, please see the Writing Literature Reviews section of this website), identifies unresolved issues that the current research will address, and provides an overview of the research that is to be described in greater detail in the sections to follow. Don’t evaluate your research project. You may list relevant keywords that will help readers find your paper in databases. Indent the word Keywords and italicize it. Method refers to the procedure that was used in a research study. It included a precise description of how the experiments were performed and why particular procedures were selected.
If you’re writing for grades and want a good one, you need a really good essay. Don’t start writing it the day before you have to hand it in. Try and get your first draft down at least a day or two before you have to submit your work. Then return to it and do your editing. Read your essay aloud to yourself, since this will help you pick up any careless errors you wouldn’t otherwise spot. Check to see if your information flows logically from one point to the next and make sure that you’ve presented your information clearly. When I was writing essays and academic papers waaay back at university, I discovered that an introduction had to provide a kind of roadmap for what was to come in the rest of the paper. It sounds counterintuitive when you’re pushed for time, but taking short breaks from time to time will stop you running out of energy and keep you focused. If you have two hours to write the essay, for instance, take a break for five minutes after you’ve worked for an hour. That said, if you’re really ‘in the zone’ and working efficiently, and you don’t feel you need a break, just work straight through and take advantage of your spate of productivity for as long as it lasts.
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As mentioned, 40 Burning Hot is one of the popular slot games that can be found in real casino halls. You can play it on a slot machine, and now that the Internet offers endless possibilities, you can have fun with it outside the physical gaming halls. As mentioned, 40 Burning Hot is one of the popular slot games that can be found in real casino halls. You can play it on a slot machine, and now that the Internet offers endless possibilities, you can have fun with it outside the physical gaming halls. 40 Burning Hot marks itself out as different with a mildly Irish twist on the formula: a green background is the biggest difference, but the four leafed clovers on the reels are also new. Güncellenmiş: 2023-05-01 La fel ca Burning Hot, și 40 Burning Hot gratis este un joc pe care îl îndrăgim și pe care îl jucăm ori de câte ori avem ocazia. Este unul din sloturile noastre cu fructe preferate și reușește de fiecare dată să ne binedispună cu combinațiile lui delicioase de fructe. Iar când apar în scenă și steaua, dolarul sau trifoiul, atunci suntem siguri că zeița Fortuna ne-a răsplătit cu cel mai fain aparat. Distracție plăcută și ție – te așteptăm să revii pentru noi păcănele fantastice!
The second edition of Volume 2 covers Double Bonus–including 10 7, 9 7, and 10 7 returning 80 for a straight flush–with standardized notation affording greater clarity and precision. A couple of strategy errors discovered in the first edition have also been corrected. What’s more important is that over time, the knowledgeable video poker player can increase the long-term payback percentage of his or her game. Put another way, the proficient video poker player can reduce the inherent house edge. Current slide of – Best Selling in Books Edge – the mathematical advantage the video poker online casino has over the player, also known as “house edge.” It is the opposite of Return to Player. While many players are intimidated of the two-front game of poker, Video Poker doesn’t have you facing off against other players who can bluff. All you have to do is make the strongest hand you can out the cards you are dealt. Knowing the odds when it’s time to play is the best resource for guiding your betting.
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You don’t have permission to view this page. The trio of revamped games are a clear attempt by Zynga to refocus on mobile. In fact, the company’s blog post announcing the games doesn’t mention Facebook at all. Still, Zynga will need more than few warmed over classics to recapture the enthusiasm of its Facebook heyday. In July 2014, the game received a major update. According to Jeff Grubb of VentureBeat, the change was unpopular with users, who believed that Zynga was “throwing too many unwanted features in the way” of playing poker. For Mobile, please make sure that you are Facebook or Google-connected, then reinstall the game. There are several apps available for you to play poker online with your friends. I’ll be taking a look at some of the apps below;PokerStarsYou have probably heard of PokerStars. Anyone involved with the poker world would have heard of it one way or another. PokerStars is easily one of the largest, if not the largest, poker operators in the world. The operators have been known to sponsor several poker tourneys.PokerStars mobile app is sensational. The interface is user-friendly, works flawlessly across different devices and platforms, and also has seamless touchscreen commands.
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Much like PokerStars, WSOP offers free online poker for players not looking to play for real money. The PlayWSOP app allows friends to gather and compete against each other and is available as both a mobile app and a desktop browser-based client. Meaning you can enjoy playing online poker with your friends via any iPhone, Android, or other mobile devices. Here 888poker Ambassador Kara Scott tells us more. How do I create private poker events & invite my friends to play? Poker tournaments are one of the advantages of 888Poker because players can access a wide variety of exciting poker tournaments every day. From sit & go tournaments with multiple players to daily multi-table (MTT) tournaments with hundreds of players. 888poker created and adapted its home games on mobile in June 2020 to accommodate the huge demand that occurred at the time. There are fewer variants to play with your friends than you can choose from on PokerStars, but it’s still a great option to set up and play different types of games. The software is perfect for beginners and easy to navigate and understand.
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As one respondent points out, several players have claimed that Vanguard, Riot Games’ anti-cheat software, is the reason for the game being non-translatable to Mac. There’s a difference between wondering can you play Fortnite on Mac and being able to play it smoothly. The vast majority of Macs are built for daily home or business use, which means they are not high-powered gaming machines. The best path forward is to determine whether you meet the minimum Fortnite Mac requirements: Update March 29, 2018: Fortnite version 3.4 brought some quality of life improvements to cross-platform play on consoles, and we’ve updated this guide to incorporate the new information. The changes, which Epic Games calls the “next phase of crossplay improvements on console,” affect cross-platform invites, matchmaking and parties and allow you to manage your Epic Games friends on PS4 and Xbox One.
According to ESPN’s Mark Schlabach, Woods played an 18-hole practice round at Augusta National last Tuesday. Then, he hit some shots at the tournament practice area Sunday, and it’s clear he left a strong impression on those who saw him. Rory McIlroy said after a recent practice round the course is playing tough this year, so don’t expect to see a runaway winner. With that said, this year’s odds board features three guys a cut above the rest of the field: 2017 champion Jordan Spieth (+1,000), Matt Fitzpatrick (+1,000), and Viktor Hovland (+1,100). Spieth is making his first start on the West Coast swing, having not played since a missed cut at the Sony Open. Similarly, Fitz and Hovland haven’t played since the Sentry. You don’t have to just bet on one player, though, you can wager on the entire field’s performance. The lowest round score has an over under set at 64.5, while the 72-hole winning score resides at 275.5. Meanwhile, the 36-hole cut score is currently listed at 147.5.
The NFL Playoffs continue today as we have a great NFC Championship game with the San Francisco 49ers taking on the Philadelphia Eagles! Let’s get some PrizePicks action in for… Check Out More Free Picks. Computer NFL picks are data-driven. We feed a huge volume of statistical information into the program. The AI can rapidly make millions of calculations, crunching the numbers to assess the offensive and defensive strengths of both teams. It uses past performance data on teams and players to map out how an upcoming game will unravel. The computer runs a large number of simulations and uses its findings to come up with a predicted final score for the game. This final score allows us to provide predictions on which team will cover the spread, the total points and so on. Perhaps the final time the Eagles will be underdogs this season, though for good reason. Dallas is No. 3 in the NFL in points scored and No. 2 in fewest points surrendered. Ignore the Cowboys’ ugly loss to the Jaguars. I expect their defense to rebound, and that should prove to be the difference.
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The Toffees are a point and a place above the Yorkshire club, who sit just the wrong side of the dotted line. Jeff Stelling given standing ovation on emotional final Soccer Saturday appearance Celtic manager Ange Postecoglou has revealed he is ‘aware’ of being linked with the vacant manager position at Tottenham, but maintains he is focused on his role in Scotland for the meantime. Tottenham Hotspur are on their way to Wembley. *All kick off times listed are 3pm BST GMT, unless stated otherwise. You can sign up to receive an e-mail when new countries and features launch. Tottenham Hotspur are on their way to Wembley. For more information, see our Launch Blog Post, the overall leagues competition page with details on leagues and seasons we include, or our About Page. Let us know if you find an issue or have a suggestion.
The 18-year-old is highly regarded by Tottenham’s hierarchy, with Millwall beating off stiff competition to secure Parrott’s signature for the upcoming campaign. Forgotten password? Rowett is on the cusp of a remarkable achievement at Millwall, who he joined back in October 2019 in his first job after a troubled half-season in charge at Stoke. They are sixth in the Championship with eight games remaining, three points clear of Norwich and Coventry, five ahead of West Brom and Watford, despite apparently only having the 15th biggest budget. Don’t miss a move! Sign up for a FREE NewsNow account and get our daily email alert of the top transfer stories. He has been rewarded with a new deal after helping Millwall qualify for the Professional Development League final.
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785 Kansas Star Drive Any other questions? Kansas is set to become the 32nd state to go live with some form of sports betting, and is the third state to go live this year behind New York and Louisiana. In addition to the temporary book that will give way a week later to the permanent book, the FanDuel app will also be operational and sports bets will be allowed via mobile devices. The Kansas Star Event Center is a stunning venue offering services for your wedding day events in Mulvane, Kansas. This contemporary and elegant space offers couples a memorable setting to host their very own dream wedding. The venue’s team of dedicated event specialists is proud to welcome you and your loved ones to celebrate together as you begin your married life. Whether your ideal event is a grand soirée or an intimate gathering, every element of your wedding day will be carefully considered.
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Overall, the trading discount on Binance.US and concerns over USD withdrawals have had a tangible impact on the price of Bitcoin, as users navigate alternative options to access their funds. Binance US, the US arm of the world’s largest crypto exchange Binance, announced that it has listed a new altcoin. We collect data directly from providers through detailed questionnaires, and conduct first-hand testing and observation through provider demonstrations. The questionnaire answers, combined with demonstrations, interviews of personnel at the providers and our specialists’ hands-on research, fuel our proprietary assessment process that scores each provider’s performance across more than 10 factors. The final output produces star ratings from poor (one star) to excellent (five stars).
Manage your personal or organization’s holdings via Nansen Portfolio. Once the transaction is added to the blockchain, it is labeled by a unique identification number, i.e. transaction ID, txid or transaction hash. Being part of a trio of BTC athletes to break the Indoor 3k American record last winter. This was the last race we did before COVID hit and it was epic. Kate paced us and Karissa took the W and the record, but when we finished the entire squad swarmed the track and made it feel like we all won the thing. Buying Bitcoin is all the rage nowadays – but considering how highly-priced it is, you need to keep track of all your transactions. The last thing you want is to find out your Bitcoin is gone but you have no idea where it went. REFUND POLICY In his recent Twitter thread devoted to predictions on the Ripple-SEC lawsuit, John Deaton, founder of CryptoLaw, has shared that he sees the case ending favorably for XRP since the SEC may have to prove that Ripple’s Chris Larsen and Brad Garlinghouse had actual knowledge that XRP was a security—or that they were reckless in not knowing. The task of determining this, Deaton writes, might be an impossible burden for the SEC.
Discover Peru & find out more about our Peru Luxury Trips. Let our team of travel experts hand-craft your trip of a… Further reading: Best family activities in Puglia The temperature in Iceland in the month of September is still considered mild, but you should prepare for both warmer and colder weather. The essential packing list for what to wear when visiting Iceland in September: At the tip of Africa, covered in tropical vegetation with miles of premium beaches, lies coastal KwaZulu-Natal – a sun lover’s dream. Winter provides the best surfing conditions with minimal rainfall and the ocean is warm enough to swim in. Summer months are hot, humid and ideal for lazing around on impressive beachfront. We may receive compensation from the products and services mentioned in this story, but the opinions are the author’s own. Compensation may impact where offers appear. We have not included all available products or offers. Learn more about how we make money and our editorial policies.
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Some important tips to remember for protective hairstyles is make sure your sons hair isn’t pulled too tightly as that can cause hair loss. Also when you take out the protective hairstyle let your sons hair rest for at least a week before putting it in another one. Stylists will advise you to avoid getting too zealous with your scissors, but sometimes you’re left with no choice but to take matters into your own hands. Cutting your hair is more complicated than it looks, and this guide is not one-size-fits-all, but it should at least help you figure out the basics on where to start. Farhana pairs every color service with a fresh haircut, like layers, to accentuate the color and complete the look. For balayage, remember this: the lightest point of the top of the layer must connect with the transition zone of the bottom layers for a balayage gradient blend.
Back to the main question of our article. On average, we recommend a refill appointment after 4 weeks. And maybe someone has to come after 5 or 6 weeks. This depends on many factors that we have already discussed. We recommend our best eyelash glue. With its special formula, eyelash extensions can last up to 6 weeks. Eyelash extensions will eventually fall out on their own. If you wish to have them removed, it’s best to have this done by a professional. The lash technician who applied your lashes will also know how to remove them. There’s typically a charge for this service. Hi. Can someone do this eyelash thing for let’s say 2 days ? So if they have an occasion and then come back to remove ? Eyelash extension, if done with proper care and scientific temperament, will surely not cause any damage to your natural lashes. The average complete growth of your eyelash is 90 days. This can be less or more by 5 days. Because eyelash extensions are done by taking care of every natural lash the disadvantage is eliminated completely. Eyelash extension is done by sticking it with every single natural eyelash. One the natural eyelash grows fully, it eventually sheds. Hence, the extension stick with eyelash also sheds with the natural lash, without causing any harm to your natural eyelashes.
Infolgedessen wird Ethereum als vielseitigeres Blockchain-Netzwerk angesehen. Heute ist es die führende Wahl für dezentralisierte Finanzlösungen (DeFi). Die große Auswahl an dApps und die Nachfrage nach ihnen haben das Interesse an Ethereum über die Jahre hinweg aufrecht erhalten. Hoskinsons ehemaliger Mitstreiter Buterin muss nun mit Entwicklern beweisen, dass die schwerfällige Ethereum-Blockchain schnell fit für das neue Kryptozeitalter gemacht werden kann. Der Aufstand der Miner, die sich um ihre Investitionen und ihr Geschäft gebracht sehen, scheint diese Aufgabe nicht unbedingt leichter zu machen. In letzter Konsequenz könnte – nicht zuletzt durch die gefährliche Drohung der Miner – aber genau diese Rebellion der zündende Funke sein, um aus der Starre auszubrechen und Veränderungen am Netzwerk schneller durchzudrücken.
In Axioms verlinktem Dokument lese ich – importprivkey yourPrivateKeyInWalletImportFormat “TheLabelThatIWant” Was ist also passiert? Electrum importiert den xprv und erzeugt Adressen für einen bestimmten derivation path. Bitcoin-Core verwendet einen anderen derivation path. Der xprv ist aber der gleiche. Eine Bitcoin Wallet Adresse ist eine öffentliche, individuelle Zeichenkette zur eindeutigen Identifizierung eines Bitcoin Wallets. Die Bitcoin Wallet Adresse ist vergleichbar mit der IBAN beim klassischen Banking. Die Bitcoin Adresse ist notwendig, um Zahlungen empfangen zu können. Gekaufte Bitcoins werden an deine Bitcoin Wallet Adresse gesendet und landen nach Abschluss und Bestätigung der Transaktion in deiner digitalen Geldbörse. Auf jeder Adresse, auf der am 25. Oktober ein Guthaben in Bitcoin lag, liegt dieselbe Menge Bitcoin Gold. Allerdings wissen das bisher die wenigsten Wallets. Wer nicht warten möchte, bis seine Stammwallet Bitcoin Gold unterstützt, kann versuchen, den privaten Schlüssel zu exportieren, um ihn in eine Bitcoin-Gold-fähige Wallet zu importieren.
We have discussed the 2 most important types of free spins bonuses you get at online casinos. There is another type of free spins bonus that is available: the loyalty free spins bonus. This bonus is available only as a loyalty promotional offer. This means not everyone gets to use this bonus; you have to be a loyal member of the casino to get it. That means you have to be someone who plays at the casino for real money regularly. It is common for online casinos to offer no deposit bonuses, which allow players to take advantage of free rewards without making a deposit. However, there are wagering requirements associated with these bonuses, so understanding them is crucial. In this article, we explore the significance of wagering requirements for no deposit bonuses in detail. How to get 30 free Spins: Go to the Casino’s ‘Coupon’ section and enter the coupon code STARDUST-30 if you’ve deposited in the last 30 days | How to get your match bonus: Go to the Casino’s ‘Coupon’ section and enter the code STARDUST-50 before making a deposit and voila, the bonus is yours to enjoy | General T&Cs apply.
Overall playing 40 Super Hot is a positive experience. The 40 Burning Hot video slot is a five-reel game that uses an extended 4×5 layout, making this a slightly bigger play area than previous entries in this series. The reasoning for that is easy to figure out from the game’s name: this machine will have 40 paylines for players to win on, way up from the five in the original (and double the 20 in the other new edition that the company is also working on). The object of the game remains simple, though: just match identical symbols from left to right across the paylines in order to earn prizes. 40 Super Hot is a solid, simple, slot machine that doesn’t do a lot but does it well. In Kazino igri you can develop and test your skills to gain enough experience and fully understand the principle of the 40 Super Hot slot game. Here we use a free demo version that will help you learn how to play to make real money. There are enough online casinos that you can go to later to gamble for real money. Registration is quick and easy on any of the sites of these casinos.
Internal dynamics within the Ethereum community were also at play this week. Last week, as it became increasingly clear that the merge would be successful, many fans of Ethereum bought into the token based on the belief that the transition boded well for its long-term success. Ethereum developers and boosters love throwing around the term “ultrasound money,” which describes the belief that the token’s value will be able to withstand global war, economic collapse, or other major disasters. Based on the historical price movements of Ethereum and the BTC halving cycles, the yearly low Ethereum price prediction for 2024 is estimated at $ 2,195.78. Meanwhile, the price of Ethereum is predicted to reach as high as $ 6,437.51 next year. Using the same basis, here is the Ethereum price prediction for each year up until 2030.
What the Fed does may not matter at all as far as bitcoin investors are concerned. Bitcoin will undergo a halving event in 155 days, further increasing the scarcity of this digital asset. Bitcoin halving occurs approximately every four years and reduces the block reward miners receive by half. Historically, this reduction in supply has led to price increases in Bitcoin due to its increased scarcity. To illustrate this point, let’s look at previous halvings: please update this one sided hit piece on Bitcoin, look up how bitcoin in supporting the development of sustainable energy, reducing waste gas flares, creating more efficient power production through grid load balancing. I think you’ll find that bitcoin is a net benefit to the environment. and provides the incentives to pursue greener energy production through hydo geothermal energy research. Also compare bitcoin mining energy cost with the security it brings to the whole network in comparison to the energy cost in mining and securing gold financial institutions.
William Gholston The Steelers are coming off the heels of the worst loss in the Mike Tomlin era and will look to make a statement at home against one of the NFC’s most formidable squads. Can the Steelers pull off the upset, or will Brady and Co. roll on the road? The game is scheduled to kick off Sunday at 1 p.m. ET from Acrisure Stadium. NFL or college football moneyline betting sounds like a fancy term, but its actually the simplest form of football wagering. You don’t have to worry about the point spread, you just need your team to win the game. And it has been the most popular way to bet on baseball and hockey for years, so its nothing new. 9. The winner of the 2020 Asia-Pacific Amateur Championship Game odds refresh periodically and are subject to change. The Chiefs moneyline is priced at -166, while the Buccaneers are +140 at FanDuel Sportsbook.
DENVER, CO – APRIL 29: Yuta Watanabe #18 of the Toronto Raptors shoots the ball against Zeke Nnaji #22 of the Denver Nuggets (Photo by Justin Tafoya Getty Images) Dennis Schroder 52 Years Strong! A Trusted Leader In Sports Picks, Best Bets and Predictions Since 1971. Get a $40 bonus bet on your first wager Meanwhile, it was all tied up 49-49 at halftime, but Toronto was not quite the Los Angeles Clippers’ equal in the second half when they met on Wednesday. The Raptors took a 108-100 hit to the loss column. The top scorers for Toronto were power forward Pascal Siakam (20 points), small forward Scottie Barnes (20 points), and small forward OG Anunoby (18 points). Phoenix had its three-game winning streak snapped Saturday following a 123-100 blowout loss to the Miami Heat. However, one should not read too much into that defeat, as the Suns shot an uncharacteristic 38% from the field, while Miami hit a whopping 50% of its 44 three-point attempts. Despite the loss, head coach Monty Williams has his squad sitting second in the Western Conference and tied with the Golden State Warriors for the league’s best record (30-9).
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As well as individual reviews, we also have a variety of sportsbook round-ups catered to users with specific needs. You can check out the best live betting sites or our top recommended NBA sportsbooks. For football, take a look at our best NFL betting sites. Responsible Gaming: Many sportsbooks offer ways to encourage responsible gaming, including the establishment of limits to deposits, spending, and time dedicated to betting. Living in Las Vegas, and spending time in sportsbooks, I get to hear a lot of ‘buzz’ about teams. There’s been one consistent theme that I’ve heard all year. Nobody trusts Washington State. Nobody believes in Washington State. The cross-section of bettors I talk to here in Vegas is a microcosm of the college basketball betting marketplace that we see during March Madness. Plain and simple – there’s a level of disrespect for the Cougs that has consistently left them as an undervalued commodity over the back half of the campaign; 12-6 ATS in their last 18 ballgames.
The 2017 tax law, known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, also modified the definition of “gambling losses” under Section 165(d). With $10,000 in winnings, you can deduct combined losses up to that amount. Before the law, professional gamblers could deduct travel and other costs related to gambling without regard to wins and losses. Encourage your friends to start having open, honest and balanced conversations around sports betting and gambling. Being vulnerable and sharing your real-life experiences with the highs and lows of sports betting can help you identify habits or tactics that are working for you as well as those that aren’t. It can also provide insight into how others view gambling, what limits they have in place and how it impacts people’s lives differently.
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After receiving her BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 1994, Donna studied Shiatsu in Chicago from 1995-1996 at Ohashiatsu and did Reflexology training with the Ingham Method® in 1995. She graduated from the Bio-Chi Institute of Massage Therapy in June 2010. Hahaha! Yes, a Chinese massage is pretty painful. The first few “foot massages” I got I really didn’t enjoy because I was scared embarrassed to speak up and tell them to take it easier. I finally realized that I’ll never see these people again. And “aaaaauuuaaaa” is pretty universal. I can communicate that even without speaking Chinese рџ™‚ Swedish massage and deep tissue massage are two popular forms of massage therapy. Read on to learn about their differences and intended uses.
Like the shaved hairstyles with the patterns? Then you will love this next pick. For this look the hair is shaved, has a trendy pattern and is short and curly on the top. Hair like this is for the women who want a no fuss hairstyle that expresses their own unique style and personality. You can recreate the hair with any pattern. Perfect for lazy girls or simply anyone who enjoys volume, just part your hair down the middle and use your fingers or a wide tooth come to fluffy out your hair. You can go further by laying your baby hairs with gel but the look is already great without it. Elizabeth Anderson 50. Timeless Short Stacked Bob. This sophisticated hairstyle is always a go-to and will look great on all face shapes and hair types! The flat twists updo is an enchanting style designed for all black girls with short natural hair. If you want to try out this look, here is a short tutorial on getting the best results.
IBM offers a lot of managed services in the market. They provide direct services to organizations and give support to other MSPs. To enhance the existing skills of IT professionals, they also offer training programs. IBM, with its many business units, delivers the EDR, EDR security, management, and global presence needed to improve one’s IT environment. More than just an email service provider, Hubspot is a full-blown CRM that also helps manage social media, lead generation, and content. As the original and self-proclaimed “Inbound Marketing Platform,” HubSpot helps marketers both create demand through content and nurture leads through email campaigns. HubSpot is known for being easy to use and navigate and, as such, is appropriate for large and small businesses alike. However, the pricing model is dependent on the total number of contacts in your database, so it becomes cost-prohibitive for very large-scale businesses.
Use UI elements that are designed for touch gestures to make interaction with your app feel easy and natural. In addition to being a mobile app design company, ScienceSoft is a full-fledged software development vendor. Our staff has deep and extensive industrial knowledge that lets us cater to each project individually while understanding general business needs and user expectations. Requirements and specifications we create in close collaboration with your SMEs are the basis of our mobile app designs. In the case of travel app development services, for example, the calendar should support booking and travel planning functionality. Healthcare apps often have calendars that allow users to mark specific parameters to monitor health conditions. In other words, the design of such screens is always tied to the purpose of their use and the value that the application offers.
Get top research & news headlines four days a week. Sign up for free newsletters and get more CNBC delivered to your inbox The rise of AI fake news is creating a ‘misinformation superspreader’ The top stories in the NFL, from Jacob Robinson with Dianna Russini. Donald Trump with Bill Barr in the Cabinet Room of the White House in 2020 The default screen on this app shows you the Top Stories, and additionally, you can also watch news videos in the Video tab. However, if you want to follow specific topics or discover new ones, tap on the + icon in the top-right corner to read news related to those specific topics. usatodayUSA TODAY and USATODAY reach a combined seven million readers daily. USA TODAY is a leader in mobile applications with more than 21 million downloads on mobile devices. USA TODAY is owned by Gannett Co., Inc.
There were no significant gender differences in social media use with 76% of students having visited MySpace in the last month compared to only 37% of students who visited Facebook. Farmville and Mafia Wars were the most popular online games. Other popular sites mentioned were Tumblr and YouTube. Social Networking Services (SNS), if used well, can do wonders for humanity, but if misused, they can also create issues. Excess use of Social Sites has created a wide online network, but at the same time, it has reduced the personal touch of people. It has created a delusionary world that only looks appealing but can have devastating impacts on coming generations if not used correctly. Availability and preferences of SNSs vary across countries. Facebook is the top worldwide yet, in some countries, such as Indonesia, Instagram has taken its place, and some African territories prefer LinkedIn . In China, where some SNSs are not available, QZone is the top social network. VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, which are both controlled by Russia’s Mail.Ru group, have also gained ground in Russian territories .
21 matches will be played during the two-week period, “with each team playing a minimum of three matches and a maximum of five,” said BCCI, in a news release. The reason behind not announcing the complete tournament schedule are the upcoming general elections that will be held in phases from April 19 to June 1. No notifications ESPNcricinfo’s writers pick their favourite balls of IPL 2024 21 matches will be played during the two-week period, “with each team playing a minimum of three matches and a maximum of five,” said BCCI, in a news release. The reason behind not announcing the complete tournament schedule are the upcoming general elections that will be held in phases from April 19 to June 1. After being sent in to bat, SRH scored 175 for nine, powered by Heinrich Klaasen’s 34-ball 50 and valuable contributions from Travis Head (34) and Rahul Tripathi (37). In response, RR could only muster 139 for 7 in their 20 overs, with Yashasvi Jaiswal (42) and Dhruv Jurel (56 not out) leading the effort.
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May 2, 2024 Colombian President Gustavo Petro said Tuesday that hundreds of thousands of pieces of ammunition have gone missing from two military bases in the South American country. Up until at least 2019, the Business version also allowed you to get the entire news article. The documentation is not clear whether this is still the case. The new Google News replaces Google Play Newsstand on mobile and desktop as well as the Google News & Weather app on mobile. It is available for Android, iOS, and web starting today, and it will be rolling out to 127 countries by next week. Americans commemorate Memorial Day and the sacrifices of our military in many different ways from ceremonies to spending time together. An official website of the United States government Hundreds of fake websites are selling counterfeit weight loss drugs like Wegovy and Ozempic. Here’s how experts say you can tell if an online pharmacy…
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PERSONALIZED SKINCARE DEVELOPED WITH DERMATOLOGISTS READY AT YOUR FINGER TIPS I made it all through my 20s without undereye issues, but I swear the second I turned 30, the effects of a late-night Netflix binge (or God forbid, a night out) started to manifest on my face. And that’s when I decided it was time to call in the big guns. La Prairie’s Platinum Rare Cellular Eye Cream gets its muscle from a potent blend of peptides and hydrators to brighten, smooth, and tighten your skin. It’s basically Spanx for your eyes. —Lindsay Schallon, senior beauty editor Personally, I find that texture can also make me into an eye-cream crybaby. Try out the cream on your hand. If the texture seems too watery or runny, and you apply it right before you lie down in bed, it can also get into your eyes and cause tears. Creams that are heavier tend not to travel as much since they are less fluid. My mom has also always taught me to apply eye cream using my ring finger (it puts less pressure on your delicate eye area) and pat it in to make sure it absorbs, putting a stop to most of the jet-setting woes. You can use this GIF tutorial as a reminder.
“Most eye creams may be used morning and night,” says Dr. Wesley. “Twice daily application better ensures that the moisturizing or active properties of the eye cream have a chance to work.” Shop through our app to enjoy: Because dark under eye circles, wrinkles and spots can make us look older and stressed, this luxury eye cream from Sulwhasoo will help you to have a restored under eye skin! It is a multi-functional eye cream helps in preventing and removing the appearance of line, wrinkles, dark circle and puffiness. Thanks for subscribing! We’ll create a routine that’s personalized for your hair & scalp Most dermatologists agree that nighttime is the best time for eye cream; this is because many eye creams contain ingredients that may harm your skin when exposed to sunlight. However, if you apply eye cream in the morning, be sure to use sunscreen. Be consistent with your skincare regimen, and you certainly will see results.”