Análise da Luta: Jones x Aspinall
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Jones x Aspinall

Vou antecipar, já antecipando a fala de parte dos nossos leitores:

 “Lá vem ele super estimar o lutador”.

Bom, é meu papel analisar. Sou analista de desempenho, auxilio equipes de treinadores há 8 anos no UFC. É natural e espontâneo que possua essa característica.

Um desses acertos provavelmente tenha sido responsável por estar aqui hoje contribuindo e compartilhando este conhecimento com vocês. Há 8, 9 anos atrás, saia do papel meu primeiro scouting.

  • O começo

Há 9 anos, como jornalista, cobria alguns atletas de MMA, em paralelo, sempre gostei de escrever crônicas: de futebol, MMA, sobre o cotidiano. Um destes, na verdade, alguns destes textos despertaram o interesse para uma atleta, a Erica Paes, que naquela época havia sido a única derrota para a Cris Cyborg e estava em sua preparação para enfrentar uma atleta, até então desconhecida: Holly Holm.

Elas iriam se enfrentar pelo Legacy em 2013. Holly Holm tinha apenas 4 lutas na carreira, sua estréia no UFC seria quase dois anos depois em fevereiro de 2015 contra Raquel Pennington no UFC 184 (olha quanto tempo!).

  • Meu primeiro trabalho como scouting

Paes era uma amiga próxima, nos falávamos bastante, e em um final de semana, a caminho de uma conferência, ela me diz o seguinte:

  • “amigo, eu vou enfrentar uma tal de Holly Holm. Gosto das suas análises, você escreve bem. Participa deste camp, será parte da minha equipe. Olha o que a Carina Dan me mandou”?

Foi o que me encorajou. A dica tinha 2 linhas, com uma escrita toda truncada, provavelmente escrita as pressas. Quando olhei aquilo pensei…”Posso fazer melhor”!

Sempre que me comprometo a fazer alguma coisa faço um trabalho de imersão profundo, me interno no quarto, escrevo por horas e horas a fio. É assim até hoje, como nas análises com os atletas e agora com as apostas: eu não paro. E foi desta forma que desenvolvi aquele que seria o meu primeiro trabalho.

  • Primeira imersão

Catei tudo da vida da Holm, todos os vídeos da carreira: do boxe ao MMA. Tudo que tinha de brecha e ponto forte ia abrindo tópico, copiando link e colando no Word. Desta pesquisa resultaram 9 laudas de pura análise textual, sem números. Completamente diferente do que faço nos dias de hoje.

Mando para a caixa de e – mail da Erica. Sua amiga acessa o e – mail e na mesma hora diz para a Erica:

  •  “Se fosse você, leria o texto do Cleber. Nunca vi uma análise daquele tamanho. Está muito bom!”
  • Holm antes do UFC: premonição?!

Bem, como se sabe, elas não lutaram. Erica estava com problema no joelho  sugeri que adiasse a luta. Eu fui direto e reto com ela por telefone (creio que o zap nem existia):

  •  Erica, querem te fazer de escada. Estão preparando essa menina para tirar o título da Ronda.

Encerrei dizendo:

  • Holm tem muito volume, combina muitos golpes retos e chuta bastante. O seu único golpe com poder de nocaute é o seu chute alto de esquerda.

Nem preciso lembrar a vocês que este foi o chute que mudou a carreira da Holm para sempre no maior evento do mundo.

  • Outras previsões

Essa foi apenas a primeira de tantas outras. Minha última previsão foi antes de pegar o camp da Makenzie Dern, numa conversa de zap com o Camões.

Em dezembro, quando trabalhávamos no camp do Warlley, Rogério Camões me sondou para saber sobre o que achava da Makenzie, pois estavam conversando e ele me queria junto da equipe. Na mesma hora, olhei o ranking e disse:

  •  das top 10, a única que vejo com posição trocada é a Nina (era a top 5). Ela não merece figurar entre as 5, ta no hype da Amanda.

Coincidência ou não, uma semana depois o contrato estava sendo firmado com contra a Nina e o resultado da luta vocês todos sabem.

  • Aspinall

Dito isso, porque vejo Tom Aspinal com cacife para bater Jon Jones? Por uma série de fatores, a primeira de todas: o peso da mão dos pesados é muito diferente da dos meio pesados. Jon Jones migrou de divisão numa época em que a divisão está numa crescente evolução e com atletas pesados muito talentosos, Aspinall, Gane, Miocic, Ngannou, entre outros bons prospectos.

Tom Aspinal é um atleta dos pesos pesados “leve”, bate na balança 112 kg. Este deve ser o peso que Jones irá bater nos pesados, entre 109 a 112 kg. Porém, este não será o peso, digamos, natural de Jones. Não se ganha 15 kg de massa muscular de 1 ano para o outro, impossível. Sendo assim, se prepare para ver um Jones com menos poder de K.O ainda e mais lento. Do outro lado, Aspinal é um striker que flutua no cage, como Cyril gane. Bate muito forte, tanto que não foi a 3 rounds com nenhum atleta até hoje.

  • Defesa de quedas de Aspinall

Além disso, Aspinal tem, 100% de defesa de quedas pelo UFC Stats. Ok… é o Jon Jones. Mas, não nos esqueçamos que Jones não colocou para baixo Dominick Reyes nos meio pesados. Ou seja, a dificuldade para executar o wrestling será muito maior, uma vez que estará mais lento, pesado e “fraco”, e enfrentará um atleta que é natural do peso, leve, seguramente mais forte e explosivo.

Jon Jones sabe disso, pois ele é um estudioso da luta. Ele quer vencer o Ngannou, que não será tarefa fácil. E…aposentar. Certamente este será seu último ato para se pendurar as luvas como o maior atleta de todos os tempos (ele já o é) do UFC. Vencendo, fará mais uma revanche, quem sabe uma trilogia e, com alguns milhões a mais no bolso, sabiamente a-po-sen-ta-rá.

Podem me cobrar. Na verdade, continuem cobrando.


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    I doubt World Club Champion Football would work in America–arcades are dying, if not dead, soccer is of little importance to Americans, and the game itself is a serious time- and money sink. That said, there’s little denying its popularity here in Japan. Moreover, it seems to have attracted the attention of its competitors; Konami recently released a collectible card game in arcades based around its Baseball Stars franchise. Now, that might be an idea worth pursuing in the US… I know it might bring me back to the arcade. We will likely only know when that fifth spot will come into play for the Champions League towards the end of the season, when the geographical spread of the participating clubs in the latter stages UEFA competitions is known.
    In February 2023, Sean Dyche was appointed as Everton’s new manager and his first game in charge was against league leaders, Arsenal. The home support created a phenomenal atmosphere inside Goodison Park and Everton managed to get the win via a James Tarkowski header midway through the second half. The Sean Dyche era had begun in the best possible fashion. It has been a mixed few weeks for Sean Dyche, who has seen his side win their opening friendly of the summer overseas but since struggle to break down their EFL opponents. The Blues' most recent outing, a 1-0 win at Stoke City last Saturday, was heading for a goalless draw until Amadou Onana popped up in stoppage time. Saturday 3 February 2024AFC Bournemouth v Nott’m ForestArsenal v LiverpoolBrentford v Man CityBrighton v Crystal PalaceBurnley v FulhamChelsea v WolvesEverton v SpursMan Utd v West HamNewcastle v Luton TownSheff Utd v Aston Villa

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  • Pal disse:

    We’re doing the Big Game Sin City style this season as Super Bowl 58 is scheduled for Feb. 11, 2024 at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas. Following is a break down of the futures odds posted by the top online sportsbooks. The Chiefs and 49ers are your Super Bowl favorites and that makes sense. The Chiefs still have Patrick Mahomes and this is probably the best defense that Mahomes has had since he became the starter. And the 49ers still have tons of weapons around Brock Purdy, who continues to not make mistakes. Add in a defense that is third in EPA per play at -0.17, via TruMedia, and that’s a good recipe for winning games. Only the Eagles and 49ers have better odds to win the Super Bowl in the NFC than the Cowboys. They added Stephon Gilmore and Brandin Cooks to complement some of their current strengths and are in a great position to make the playoffs. At 15 1, I don’t mind them as a top-end Super Bowl bet.
    Punters can bet using NBA picks consensus to see which team bettors are putting their money on and decide whether they want to go with or against the public. If you want to succeed wagering on NBA betting lines, we suggest you consider the different types of sportsbooks available. It will help you get an understanding of the public’s betting habits. Bettors can also find the best wager lines. Bettor need to note that line changes are in most cases are initiate by how the public bets. In most cases, the team mostly selected by the public is likely to have lower odds, regardless of the fact that they are not always the team that will most likely win. The National Basketball Association (NBA) is the premier men’s professional basketball league in the world. It is composed of 30 teams; 29 in the United States and 1 in Canada. The NBA playoffs are a best-of-seven elimination tournament annually held after the NBA regular season to determine the league’s champion. Check out our NBA Finals Championship Odds, News & Analysts

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  • avank disse:

    Grand Dragon Lotto 4D results for today are available at SUERTRES – 6 3 3 Once again, the PCSO 4D Lotto results today in exact order are: 0-1-8-2 4D Lotto Result March 24, 2021 – PCSO 4-Digit Lotto Draw played three day’s in a week – Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9PM. 4D RESULT MAY 1, 2023 – The Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) announces the 4D Lotto result today, May 1, 2023. Previous 4D lotto result Monday, Monday Below are the 4D Lotto results for November 2, 2022 courtesy of PCSO: 4D LOTTO RESULT May 3, 2023 – Here is the draw of 4D Lotto Result of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO). The first prize amount starts at P10,000.00. If there is no winner, it will be added to the first prize pool for the next 4D lotto draw. If there is more than one (1) winner of the first prize, this will be divided accordingly. Here is a table of 4D lotto prizes:
    When using an outdated browser, you may have trouble viewing this site. You could also encounter issues when trying to access certain features. To provide you with the best possible experience on the site, we encourage you to update your browser. If you have fun dreaming of a massive windfall that most likely won’t actually blow your way, buy a ticket. But if you need to watch your money, consider keeping the $2 in your wallet. Win $365,000 a year FOR LIFE! What phone number do I call to hear the winning numbers? April 10, 2023 – For the second time in less than a week, a Lucky for Life … The Megaplier is an optional add-on feature on a Mega Millions lottery ticket. When you play Mega Millions, you might not win a huge lottery jackpot but winning a boosted secondary prize could still be a life-changing event.

  • alasy disse:

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    Mass Lottery Winning Wednesday With the Stanley Cup on the horizon, here are seven players teams might reach for рџ“І Liz Calamel scored three goals and finished with one assist for the Pittsford Mendon Vikings (15-2). Eleanor Martins and Ava Rice scored Mendon’s other goals, while Alden Alden Duserick had one assist. The Rochester Americans (22-19-2-1) tied Tuesday night’s contest… The Silver Knights partnered with Clark County School District for a special jersey art contest. They winner’s art will be featured on the HSK’s warmup jerseys! D2  Bracket  |  Assignments S: Scored four goals in the third period; Jameson Bucktooth 3 goals, 3 assists; Owen Mahar 2 goals, 4 assists; Tommy Rioux 4 assists; Connor Rose 10 saves. Proud Affiliate of the Vegas Golden Knights

  • soync disse:

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    Sachin Mehta, the spokesperson for BABU88, expressed his enthusiasm about the partnership, stating, “We are thrilled to welcome Apu Biswas to the BABU88 family. Her charisma and popularity make her an ideal representative for our brand. This collaboration aligns seamlessly with our commitment to providing top-notch entertainment experiences to our users.” Sachin Mehta, the spokesperson for Babu88, expressed his enthusiasm about the partnership, stating, “We are thrilled to welcome Apu Biswas to the Babu88 family. Her charisma and popularity make her an ideal representative for our brand. This collaboration aligns seamlessly with our commitment to providing top-notch entertainment experiences to our users.” In this article, we will break down what makes Babu88 different from most of its competitors and why this platform is the favourite choice of players from Bangladesh. Let’s get started!

  • Rip disse:

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  • Envem disse:

    Take a look at the complete odds for every golfer in The Masters 2024, courtesy of FanDuel Sportsbook, which begins Thursday, April 11, at Augusta National Golf Club. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Sportsbooks will set cutline props for most of the big-name golfers in the Masters field, allowing you to bet on whether individual players will make the weekend cut after the first two rounds. These Masters props are offered in a Yes No format with a moneyline price assigned to each option. Betting on golf involves understanding the various types of bets available and how to assess player performance. First, familiarize yourself with the different types of bets commonly offered in golf, including outright winner bets, each-way bets (which cover both a win and a top finish), head-to-head matchups between two players, and proposition bets on specific events within a tournament, such as hole-in-one occurrences or individual player performances on certain holes.
    Correct score markets are available for every football match, from major league games to smaller tournaments. This wide availability means bettors have numerous opportunities to place bets, providing flexibility in choosing when and where to bet. The correct score betting market simply refers to when a bettor places a bet on what they think the final score in a game will be, therefore making a correct score prediction. For example, you could follow the correct score tips that we have given and back Manchester City to beat Manchester United 1-0. If City were to go on to beat United 1-0, then your bet would win. However, if City were in the lead until the 95th minute and then United equalised or City scored again, your bet would lose. As the name suggests, correct score betting requires your prediction to be spot on. 

  • Glogs disse:

    8037 Metcalf Ave, Suite D, Overland Park, Kansas, 66204 The Best Nail Salons in Houston are Nails & Co. Beauty Bar for trendy nail art, Lovely Nails and Spa for high-end luxury, Amber Nail Spa for organic treatments, Gloss Nail Bar for intricate hand-painted designs, and QT Nails for friendly service and quality. Regular Mani Pedi Combo Check out our two new membership perks! Popular on Time Out Check out our two new membership perks! © 2019 Luxe Nail Spa Craving a friendly and attentive experience? Lux Nail Spa is known for its warm atmosphere and personalized service. For unique specialties, Pretty Nails Society is the nail salon for you.  View open roles and apply today! Regular Mani Pedi Combo @marienails instagram For luxury seekers, you can try nail salons like Lovely Nails and Spa. They feature high-end services and combine luxury with a variety of spa treatments. If you’re looking for a more budget-friendly option, try out Glow Spa and Nails which is known for its high-quality service and affordable options.
    Should you go knotless or not? By the end of this article, you’ll know essential details about traditional box braids and knotless braids, as well as the pros and cons of each. If you’re trying to decide whether you’ll opt for classic box braids or try out the new-and-improved knotless method, we’re here to help. Below you will find imperative information on medium knotless braids and box braids so that you can make the right decision (for you and your locks). It’s been said that some protective styles using extensions, like box braids, can cause damage to the hair or scalp, but Williams says this is only the case if the braids are installed or removed incorrectly. “The hair becomes ruined when the braids are installed improperly with too much tension or weight.” To prevent damage, make sure you follow these pro tips:

  • Glogs disse:

    Body to body massage is popularly called B2B massage. In this category of massage, a female spa employs her entire body to arouse the excitement within you. She rubs her palms, boobs, hips with your body along with her hand so that you can feel the sensation of hormones. This massage service is very much popular among all the massages and people love it for its excitement. But you can’t have intercourse with the spa unless it is stated in advance. B2B massage is really joyous and full of enjoyment. You must try this at least once. LiveCams cookies help user to enter in live cams website. At Phillips Body Massage, our gay massage service in Hyderabad can help you chill and enjoy. If you are in Hyderabad and you want some refreshment then we are there to help you. We provide door-to-door massage service with best quality standards. Our massage therapists are professionals in their job who can help you chill and relax. They can help you say adieu to the stress and tensions by providing male body massage at home in Hyderabad
    This girl rocks awavy long bob softened with a natural balayage. It’s subtly layered to give the fine hair some extra density coupled with a seamless look. Here, Fonda’s stylist added layers around the lengths of her bangs close to the top, then left the sides long enough to frame the face (there’s that phrase again) and create the classic shag silhouette. With ever-changing tresses, we can always count on Lily Collins to show off a hairdo that we just have to try. This cut that’s part bob and part pixie cut is one of them! The length is cropped in the back and slightly longer around the face—lending itself to extra chicness. Instagram @jlo The long bob haircut is having a moment with a bunch of celebrities sticking to the style and rocking it in all kinds of ways. Polished, messy, straightened, wavy, blunt or layered – the diversity and flexibility make this cut one of our favorite. And since it’s not as short as the classic bob cut, it leaves a possibility to bother with updos, when you wish to. But today, we are going to focus on how to wear it loose and chic depending on your individuality.

  • Glogs disse:

    I know Nintendo Online isn’t required to get the game, but is it required to play the online modes? The servers are run by Psyonix so I would assume no, but you never know with Nintendo. I don’t have a Switch myself yet so I can’t test it out. Many versions of Rocket League also allow you to play split-screen with someone in the same room, including console versions and Rocket League on Steam. Enabling the split-screen mode is also simple. Parent review of Rocket League Rocket League is quickly growing as both a competitive and casual title, with players frantically fighting as cars to score goals on a giant soccer field. As Rocket League continues to become more popular, the game has been introduced to more platforms. Score a Goal and Win in 3 Online Matches
    Dancing Ballz: Magic Dance Line Tiles Game Video by Dominick If you want to expand your musical horizons you can head to our full music games collection and try some popular games like Blob Opera and Chainsaw Dance. How to play: Tap only the black tiles Magic Tiles is generally considered a safe app for kids to use. The gameplay is simple and easy to understand, and the app does not contain any violent or explicit content. However, there are still potential risks associated with the app that parents should be aware of. Online Games at UptoPlay. There are a lof online multiplayer games on UptoPlay. In these games, you can enjoy a great experience and funny moments with your friends online and with other people from around the world, no matter where you are.

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