Será que Você Deve Largar o Emprego para ser Apostador?
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Quando largar o emprego para ser apostador profissional?
qua 15 abr/20

Quando largar o emprego para ser apostador profissional?

Para ser feliz é necessário tomar algumas atitudes em nossa vida e também correr certos riscos. Eu vejo que algumas pessoas têm dúvida se vale a pena largar o emprego para ser apostador esportivo.  Essa atitude pode ser bastante positiva se você tiver os pés no chão e tiver consciência da sua situação atual e saber até onde você pode ir. 

Contudo, o problema acontece quando você vê alguns apostadores que estão nesse mercado há muitos anos e simplesmente resolvem abandonar o emprego pra viver somente das apostas. Isso é muito arriscado e eu não recomendo que você faça isso.  

Portanto, no artigo de hoje eu vou ajudar você a descobrir se é o momento de pedir demissão e começar a se manter somente com o dinheiro vindo das apostas.  Será que você está pronto? Acompanhe a matéria comigo para descobrir.  

Eu sou apostador profissional há mais de 10 anos e posso compartilhar a experiência real que tive quando passei por esse processo.  São muitas coisas que você precisa levar em consideração antes de tomar uma decisão tão importante quanto essa. [ads option=1]

Devo largar o emprego para ser apostador? 

O primeiro conselho que eu trago pra você é que você não deve tomar essa decisão do dia pra noite. Além disso, coloque todos os pós e contras em uma lista para poder analisar mais friamente todos os aspectos positivos e negativos dessa transição.  Confira alguns pontos que você deve analisar. 

Converse com a família 

Independentemente se você é casado, tem filhos ou mora com os pais, o primeiro passo é conversar com a sua família e mostrar que ser um apostador esportivo é ter uma profissão normal como qualquer outra.  Infelizmente, o trabalho com as apostas ainda é considerado, por muita gente, um hobby ou até mesmo um vício.  

Pode parecer algo irrelevante, mas se você não tiver o apoio das pessoas que você ama nesse momento tão importante, tudo será mais difícil pra você.  Portanto, converse com seus familiares e explique como esse trabalho vai te deixar mais feliz e como ele pode te trazer lucros e vantagens. 

Faça os cálculos 

Considere essa transição como se você estivesse trocando de emprego. Você não pode abandonar o seu trabalho fixo se estiver começando com as apostas agora. Lembre-se que você tem as suas despesas e todas as contas para pagar mensalmente. Portanto, você precisa estar ganhando com as apostas pelo menos 80% do salário que você tem em seu emprego fixo.  

Tenha em mente que você fará a mudança de renda fixa para uma renda variável, então os seus cálculos precisam estar muito bem alinhados com a sua realidade para você tomar essa decisão. Mais uma vez, eu quero destacar aqui a importância da visão no longo prazo, pois ela será essencial nessa sua análise.  

Então, você precisa ter consciência que essa mudança vai levar um determinado tempo. Eu por exemplo, mantive meu emprego fixo, onde eu trabalhava na área de TI, e ia trabalhando com as apostas no meu tempo livre. Eu sei que esse não é o cenário ideal, mas a gente nunca começa pelo ideal. Nós precisamos começar com uma determinada situação e ir melhorando com o passar do tempo.  

Monte seu planejamento 

O terceiro passo é de extrema importância. Nesse plano, você deve pontuar o quanto você ganha hoje com as apostas, o quanto você pode ganhar daqui a 3, 6 meses e 1 ano. Considere também no planejamento o que você precisa para fazer essa virada de chave. Será que apenas ser apostador é suficiente, ou você também quer ser um tipster, um produtor de conteúdo, etc.  

A indústria é gigante e oferece muitas oportunidades e eu recomendo você estudar algumas delas para identificar se algo mais pode complementar essa sua renda. Estude, leia e busque bastante informação para você ter uma visão ampla de todos os caminhos que você pode seguir. O meu blog está repleto de informações para você começar a consumir agora mesmo.  

Inclusive, tem uma matéria sensacional sobre como montar um planejamento para apostadores iniciantes. Já coloca ela aí na sua lista de estudos para aprender um pouco mais sobre o assunto. 

Por fim, era isso que eu queria trazer para vocês hoje. Tenha sempre muita consciência do que você está fazendo. Viver de apostas é possível sim e tem muita gente que consegue lucrar com isso. Mas não se desespere nem tome decisões precipitadas. Leve esse mercado a sério e busque sempre se desenvolver para fazer cada vez melhor.  

Todos os conteúdos que são disponibilizados aqui são para te ajudar em seu crescimento profissional. Então, me conta quais são as suas dúvidas, quem sabe a outra matéria pode ser algo feito pra você?
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Me conta também se você se sente pronto para largar o emprego para ser apostador.

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77 Comentários

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    At Casino Action there are over 600 games for you to pick from, and with continuous new releases, that number is always growing. The games are all powered by Microgaming, the world’s number one casino software provider, so you can safely assume that the graphics will be rich and detailed, the audio will be crystal clear, and the game play will be ultra-smooth. From the super-popular slots games and the big win progressive jackpot games to the exciting blackjack, roulette, and video poker games, there is plenty to enjoy and choose from, plus the games cater to every type of player. There is so much to win and so much to play, so join Casino Action today for an online casino experience you are never going to forget! Casino Action has been operating since 2000. With more than 20 years of experience, it is licensed by three gaming organizations: the Malta Gaming Authority, the Kahnawake Gaming Commission, and the British Gaming Commission. These licenses show Canadian players that they can safely and honestly spend their free time playing exciting slot machines.
    Once the Blackjack hand is played out, three outcomes can occur. First you can win (as previously described), secondly you can lose (bust hand or have less than dealer hand), or you can push (have same hand – number count or Blackjack – as dealer). If you win, you get your bet money back PLUS that same amount from the dealer, YAY! If you win with Blackjack, you get your original bet back PLUS you win 1.5 times your bet from the dealer, WOOHOO! If you lose, the dealer takes your bet money. If you push, you keep your bet money but do not win anything additional. Sign in with your Microsoft account to view. May contain mature content. Blackjack game is a card game when you can instantly win the game with only two cards : Ace and the 10 cards. Because the rule say, all your card counted and if you got 21 point with the Ace on your hand (Ace as 11 point if you have two card and the other card is 10) and the 10.

  • wroRi disse:

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    The casino features more than 500 casino games, all developed by the leading software provider, Microgaming. There are numerous payment methods available, such as Visa, Mastercard, Paypal, Skrill, Neteller, bank transfer, Paysafe card, Trustly, and EcoPayz. The minimum deposit is around 10 EUR. In order to gamble, you need to register and verify your account. The platform is known for excellent security, as well as great customer support, available 24 7 via email or live chat. And, while the platform doesn’t have its own mobile app, you can still use it on mobile devices by searching for its website with any browser. Casinofy in-house consultants and online gaming experts understand the inherent bias associated with superlatives when comparing online casinos in Europe. Thanks to our synergistic approach to reviewing online casinos, we can avoid subjectivity by adopting a multi-tiered approach to reviewing the best online casinos in Europe. Subject-specific experts pool their knowledge when evaluating specific components of online casinos.
    CasinosHunter knows that exploring casino sites takes time and effort. This is why we provide the top-of-the-line Betsoft online casinos in the list above, but we also recommend you to pay attention to the top 10 best Betsoft casino sites in this table. Aside from the Betsoft Drive promotions, some Betsoft online casinos also offer a free bonus to new players. This will typically consist of cash or free spins on a select number of Betsoft slots. All you have to do to claim a bonus is to sign up at the site, in case of Betsoft no deposit bonuses, or sign up and deposit the qualifying amount, in case of deposit bonuses. And occasionally, Betsoft casinos will award Free Spin offers specifically for Betsoft games or provide exclusive Betsoft casino bonus codes. There are other offers that players can take advantage of such as referral bonuses like at BigSpin Casino.

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    There’s no single “best” online sports betting site. DraftKings, BetMGM, Caesars, BetRivers, and FanDuel are all among the top selections for sports bettors in the US. While there are plenty of other factors that impact your sportsbook experience, ensuring there are competitive odds is the most important factor in regard to potential profitability. Better odds offer users the potential for greater returns on their bets. This includes spreads, props futures, and live betting. A sportsbook should strive to provide competitive odds across a wide range of sports and events including football, basketball, hockey, baseball, and soccer. There is often more of a difference in the odds in sports such as MMA, Boxing, UFC, Golf, and Tennis. There is more volatility in each of these sport’s odds due to their individualized nature.
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  • Rip disse:

    Please enable cookies to successfully register and login to the site. “McLuck doesn’t currently disclose any details of relationships with licensing bodies, random number generators (RNGs), or auditors. That’s not particularly unusual for social and sweepstakes casinos though, as they aren’t regulated in the same way as traditional online casinos are. So there are no security concerns here.” We have a new featured affiliate casino on the Wizard of Vegas Forums to go along with the new rollout and that is the Miami Club Casino!!!  This featured advertiser is marketing to potential players very aggressively and, as with all of our featured advertisers, is a Wizard of Odds APPROVED casino. Yes, you can. A no deposit bonus is similar to real credit in your account but without the need for any initial deposit. As a result, when you win an online casino game using the bonus, the winning can be converted into real money, as long as you satisfy all the withdrawal requirements.
    bet365 is a behemoth in the iGaming space, making their name across the pond before bringing their online betting services stateside. This online casino site does a lot, including offering your standard fare of casino games and a ton of extras. The streamlined app is one of the better platforms among online casino sites, and yes, there are bonuses for existing and new customers alike. Betway Casino customers can explore the lobby to play 500+ exciting games, including top real-world casino games by Evolution Gaming, virtual table games, and some of the top online casino slots. There are ten progressive jackpots to get lucky on, and it would be great to see them grow this range. The largest collection of games at an online casino site in the US can be found at DraftKings Casino.

  • Rip disse:

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  • erera disse:

    Plinko is another instant game that’s becoming increasingly popular globally. The game has some roots in the past, but online casinos have adjusted it and included it in their gaming offering. Plinko Online Casino is the ultimate destination for gamers seeking a safe and fair environment to enjoy their favorite games. As a licensed and regulated casino, Plinko adheres to strict standards of fairness and player protection. With a commitment to responsible gaming and transparency, players can rest assured that they are playing in a trustworthy and secure environment. Plinko operates under the guidelines and regulations set forth by the governing authorities to ensure the highest level of integrity and professionalism. Through its licensing and regulation, Plinko guarantees a gaming experience that is not only entertaining but safe and fair for all players.
    Cryptorino stands out by offering games from top providers like Betsoft, Microgaming, Hacksaw Gaming, Novomatic, and Pragmatic Play. The casino boasts an extensive game selection, including blackjack, video poker, roulette, slots, baccarat, and live dealer options, though it does not offer a sportsbook. The Plinko games available include titles such as Turbo Plinko, Plino XY, Plinko Rush, Plinko Go, among others. Winnerzon is licenced by one of the leading governing bodies in the industry, Lucky Tiger casino will provide you best slot experience. The best tether casinos come into play, although to get the best from the game. This Plinko specialty game actually lets you track your whole history, seeing a record of wins and losses to the left of the pin game board. Bets, payouts, and profits are all shown as you play from one bet to the next. Let’s see what other new casino games 2023 has to offer that can give you that! Want to see how your session has been going, or what kind of hot streak you’re on? Keep an eye on that log!

  • Glogs disse:

    Looking for Black men haircuts that are easy to style? We love black male haircuts that are structured and easy to handle. The high and tight is all about shaved sides with some length on the top of your head. Great for low-maintenance guys. This is one of the unique hairstyles for a black man with long hair. Jumbo dreads are very stylish and with this, you will stand out of the crowd. This hairstyle just has that space of creativity and artistry around them that is hard to find in other hairstyles. Therefore, the Jumbo Dreads hairstyle will give a bold notion and overall a super stylish look. You will also need to invest in some good hair care products so that you can keep this hairstyle manageable. Dreadlocks are a perfect alternative for black men with long hair. When you style your hair, you can be creative with dreads. Also, it is possible to use dreadlocks and braids by combining them. In addition, you can add a fade variation to your style for a modern look. However, it is important to visit a quality barbershop for professional results.
    I was using “X” brand of extensions and they were ok, but once I changed to Cinderella Hair my clients noticed the difference in the hair quality. No more “X” brands for me! Being in the hair industry for over 30 years, you get to see things come and go. One thing that stood out for me is the Cinderella Hair Extensions have been around for over 30 years and it shows in their price and most importantly the quality of their hair Choosing the correct hair extension method for a client is key in longevity and enjoyment of extensions. Salon D stylists take into consideration a clients hair type, density, texture & scalp condition as well as what suits a clients lifestyle. They have some of the same durability benefits that fusion extensions offer, without needing heat to attach them. The most traditional style for sleeping with hair extensions is to secure the hair in a braid plait. Securing the hair in a braid will prevent your hair extensions from moving around causing the bonds to tangle.

  • Glogs disse:

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  • Glogs disse:

    Brynn Carnesecca | Lehi Free Press During the prosecution and investigative periods of an abuse case, children and families can often feel overwhelmed by the intimidating… Jefferson’s discomfort was, and remains, understandable. Reporting the news in an open society is an enterprise laced with conflict. His discomfort also illustrates the need for the right he helped enshrine. As the founders believed from their own experience, a well-informed public is best equipped to root out corruption and, over the long haul, promote liberty and justice. By signing up you consent to receive the above newsletter from Postmedia Network Inc. The Mississippi Free Press is a project of the Mississippi Journalism and Education Group, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit journalism organization (EIN 85-1403937). All work produced by the Flatwater Free Press — articles, videos, photos and other media — is available for publication at no cost.
    To move past the problems of today’s social media we need to overcome those assumptions and their associated myths and reach a more sophisticated understanding of the topic. The diversity of social media is clear, as are the possibilities, when we reject U.S. and Facebook centrism and strive for more complex thinking about the domain. News Corp. “Our Businesses and Brands.” Nordicom is a centre for Nordic media research at the University of Gothenburg. CEOS of the Year Need a UPS logo? Click here to register for access to the UPS Brand Central asset library. © The CEOWORLD magazine LTD 2024. CEOWORLD and ‘CEOWORLD magazine’ are trademarks of The CEOWORLD magazine Ltd. Each year MediaPost hosts more than 30 events across a range of disciplines… Which one is right for you? Month-on-month the fastest-growing newsbrand was The Cool Down (24.3 million visits, up 52% compared to January). Ranked 42nd in this month’s top 50, the site was launched by founder and CEO of the sports media outlet Bleacher Report Dave Finocchio and Anna Robertson, an ABC and Yahoo News executive, and purports to be the “first mainstream climate brand” in the US.

  • Glogs disse:

    The Spanish Public Prosecutors Office are seeking a four year and nine month prison sentence for Real Madrid manager Carlo Ancelotti for his alleged involvement in tax fraud. The Spanish Public Prosecutors Office are seeking a four year and nine month prison sentence for Real Madrid manager Carlo Ancelotti for his alleged involvement in tax fraud. Vinicius Junior broke down in tears as he told reporters the ongoing racist abuse he suffers in Spain is making him feel less motivated to play football. “+a+” “+n.config.saAria.shownText+” In a 6-3 decision, justices decided Donald Trump has some immunity from prosecution. Here’s what the decision says and means. Bayern are yet to send a bid to Inter for the 30-year-old as they are monitoring his progress in the Euros. The Scudetto holders do not want soap operas regarding the player and would expect a fast resolution to acquire a replacement in time for the new season.
    “I can’t wait to get started and I’m laser focused on the work ahead. I’m hungry to contribute to the club’s success and hopefully, one day, play at the highest level.” We have an added bonus of two Premier League matches this week, starting with Manchester City v Brentford this evening. It is a tough start for Brentford, who face Liverpool, Manchester City and Tottenham away before another derby, this time at home to West Ham, before the end of September. Total passes: 448 Brentford FC – Nottingham Forest 488 They haven’t started the second half well at all, some sloppy play is giving Brentford some joy. Our accessible rooms offer more space, a double or kingsize bed between 480mm and 520mm in height, and wider entry bathrooms with a lowered bath or wet room. At our hotels with 480mm height mattresses, our teams can raise the bed for easier wheelchair access. If you have any accessibility questions before your stay, please get in touch with our friendly team at pi.accessible@whitbread or call us on 0333 0919 817 between 9am and 5pm Monday-Friday (calls charged at local rate).

  • Glogs disse:

    Pick Polygon and enter how much you would like to spend. Polygon provides an array of developer tools and infrastructure that empower developers to create and deploy decentralized applications (dApps) seamlessly. The Polygon Software Development Kit (SDK) offers a streamlined framework for building scalable applications on the network, simplifying the development process. Like all Crypto, Polygon will need to see a lot of developer interest. Recently, we have witnessed J.P. Morgan successfully do its first-ever cross-border transaction using decentralized finance on the Polygon network. This was facilitated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore, using the tokenized Singaporean dollar and Japanese yen. Headlines like this will undoubtedly continue to attract much attention toward Polygon. In order to avoid exploitation and protect the free gas service, items that cost less than 1 MANA are not included in the costless transactions. You can buy these items by connecting to the Polygon network with MATIC in your wallet.
    If you are using both apps, you may optionally connect your Crypto App account to your Crypto DeFi Wallet to easily transfer funds from one app to another, or vice versa. Another popular DeFi crypto wallet is Trust Wallet, which supports a variety of digital currencies. This wallet is blockchain agnostic, which means it can trade and store almost any cryptocurrency on any blockchain. Like MetaMask, Trust Wallet aims to provide a simple and easy-to-use interface for its users. That means even new users can quickly access dApps and use the available products and services. If you are using both apps, you may optionally connect your Crypto App account to your Crypto DeFi Wallet to easily transfer funds from one app to another, or vice versa. When you receive crypto, the generated address is tied to only your account. While it’s possible to reuse that wallet address for future transactions (excluding deprecated addresses), we recommend requesting and using a new address each time you receive crypto.

  • prbdbytum disse:

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    Dan Ferris believes that if the “Everything Bubble” pops, it could trigger a “Cash Frenzy” where money is “frantically pulled out of the market” in an attempt to avoid further losses. Win $240,000 cash or 20 years of holidays! When traditional banks and financial institutions can’t meet your urgent funding needs, alternative lending options can come to the rescue. Platforms like peer-to-peer lending, online lenders, and fintech companies offer streamlined processes and quick approvals, making them ideal for obtaining fast cash. Research reputable lenders, compare interest rates and terms, and choose the option that best aligns with your requirements. However, exercise caution and beware of predatory lending practices. Prioritize lenders with transparent terms, positive reviews, and a track record of reliability.

  • lioijuiba disse:

    Data or no data, Monzon’s confident that Milk’s concocted a formula that will transform the way people think about the potential of CBD makeup. He’s used “countless” mascaras over the last decade and Milk Kush Mascara is now his go-to. It builds volume quickly, glides well, and doesn’t cause smudging under the eye. The key, he says, is the CBD oil as it’s not only vegan but provides a better glide than beeswax, which is more commonly used as a binding agent in mascaras. Additionally, according to Milk’s website, Milk Kush Mascara provides “a conditioning benefit.” To celebrate the upcoming mystery launch, the brand is giving away 25 of whatever the new product is via Instagram. All you have to do is follow @milkmakeup, guess what the next product could be, and tag the brand.
    Be the first to know what’s trending, straight from Elite Daily Chocolate brown shade This stuff has saved my lashes and I really recommend it as a less expensive alternative to other lash serums, because it works just the same! “This lash serum contains cannabis-seed extract, which is rich in the fatty acid linoleic acid,” says Hilal-Campo of Milk Makeup’s Kush formula, which doubles as a brow serum. “Linoleic acid is believed to contribute to healthy hair growth. It also contains panthenol (vitamin B5) and many different peptides, which can help support the production of healthy keratin.” If you’re like me and lash serums generally scare you, know that this one is free of steroids and 94 percent natural. The brand promises the formula won’t cause eye or skin discoloration.

  • uxrqshclz disse:

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