Flat Stake e Stake Variável - Qual a Melhor para as Apostas?
Casa do Apostador Carregando...
Dica para Salvar a Banca e Aumentar os Lucros nas Apostas
qua 29 maio/19

Dica para Salvar a Banca e Aumentar os Lucros nas Apostas

Você quer dicas para te ajudar a ganhar nas apostas esportivas? Então essa matéria é pra você, pois preparei uma conteúdo diferenciado com dicas que falei na paletra do Betmasters.  Para começar, é importante ressaltar que existe o Flat Stake e o Stake Variável. Não existe um stake correto para se trabalhar, isso depende da estratégia de cada apostador. O tipo do Stake a ser escolhido está diretamente ligada com a forma a qual você decide trabalhar dentro das apostas esportivas.

Ao fazer uma gestão de banca, muitas pessoas costumam dividir a banca. Ou seja, em uma banca de R$ 100 pode-se dividií-la em 50 unidades e com um valor de R$ 2 por unidade. Esse é um exemplo bem simples de como funciona a divisão de banca.

Como funciona a Flat Stake?

O Flat Stake é onde sempre será colocado uma unidade somente, seguindo exemplo anterior, R$ 2. Essa estratégia tem um lado bom e um lado ruim. O lado bom é que não é necessário inicialmente decidir o valor de cada aposta. Dessa forma, o processo fica mais rápido, já que você apostará sempre com uma unidade única. Porém, isso também pode ter um lado negativo, pois você terá sempre o mesmo valor para apostar. E dependendo do valor da aposta, você pode ser prejudicado por não ter uma unidade valiosa.
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Resumidamente, apostar com Flat Stake tem segurança, facilidade e agilidade, mas você corre o risco de não conseguir fazer uma boa aposta, pois seu valor será limitado. Não posso esquecer de te falar que esse formato também é lucrativo e muitos apostadores utilizam esse método. Mas não se esqueça de que é necessário ter uma estratégia forte e uma boa gestão de banca.

Para ficar mais claro na sua cabeça, vou repetir aqui o exemplo que eu dei na palestra do Betmaster. Se eu estou indo para a guerra, a minha arma precisa ser do tamanho da batalha que eu vou enfrentar. Ou seja, se a batalha é contra alguém fraco eu não preciso de uma arma muito potente, certo? Da mesma forma, se tenho um adversário muito forte, eu preciso de uma pouco mais de preparo.

A casa de apostas deve ser punida a medida em que ela está me dando valor. Se eu tenho muito valor, eu não posso colocar um stake ou somente uma unidade. Eu preciso aumentar esse valor e é por isso que existe o Stake Variável.

O que é Stake Variável?

O Stake Variável é quando você cria diferentes níveis para os valores do Stake. Pessoalmente, minhas unidades variam entre 0.5 e 3. Ou seja, eu tenho stakes small, medium e big, assim eu tenho unidades para todos os tamanhos de apostas que eu possa precisar fazer.

Eu entendo completamente quem está começando agora e tem dificuldade para compreender isso. Eu também sofri para aprender esse processo, porém fez grande diferença em minha carreira de apostador profissional. Tenha em mente que as bookies estão o tempo todo com a intenção de ganhar dinheiro em cima de você e não existem bookies boazinhas. Por isso, você precisa buscar valor nas apostas e atacar com força para ganhar das casas de apostas. Se as casas de apostas erram no preço da aposta, você precisa se aproveitar e garantir uma vitória valiosa.

Como escolher entre Flat Stake e Stake Variável?

Para eu tomar essa decisão não foi de uma hora pra outra. Eu precisei comparar a minha tabela de resultados, estudei o cenário imaginando se eu tivesse usado Flat Stake, analisei quanto teria de retorno. Eu fiz essas comparações muitas vezes até decidir a forma a qual eu iria apostar. Essa escolha é totalmente pessoal, mas como criador de conteúdo eu preciso te ajudar a ver todas as formas e indicar também qual delas pode ser mais rentável. É indiscutível que existem muitos apostadores que usam o Flat Stake e são ganhadores, mas a maioria dos profissionais de apostas que eu conheço fazem uso de Stakes Variáveis.
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Esse assunto pode causar muitas dúvidas e para esclarecê-las, tem uma aula somente disso dentro do meu curso Aposta de Valor.  Fique ligado no meu Instagram para saber quando começam as inscrições para a próxima turma.

E pra você que está me conhecendo agora, não deixe de conhecer o meu canal no Youtube. Ele foi criado para compartilhar conteúdo gratuito com todos os níveis de apostadores. Vai lá conhecer, se inscreve e crie uma rotina para começar a estudar e aprender.

Deixe também suas dúvidas, sugestões e compartilhe sua experiência nos comentários.

Inscreva-se na minha lista VIP para receber conteúdos de apostas profissionais exclusivos. 


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    Even though there is no defined law in Canada about how old someone must be to invest in crypto, many legit Canadian crypto exchanges set the restrictions at 18 years old. They simply don’t wish to risk getting in trouble. Crypto exchanges could come under fire should a person under 18 lose a lot of money. How much are you looking to buy? Company Filings | More Search Options The May document also shows that FTX had a brush with the SEC. The SEC had conducted inquiries earlier this year into how crypto companies were handling customer deposits. Some firms were offering interest on deposits, which the SEC said could make them securities and should be registered under its rules. In the list of its regulatory interactions, FTX noted that the inquiry was looking at whether those assets were being “lent out or otherwise used for operational purposes.”

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  • box disse:

    It is initially important to create your final draft of your thesis and shall be initially typed and also it is important for you to include a bibliography and different citations. Thus, some paper requires a title page that actually depends upon the typing style or on your teacher or professor. Thus, the title page shall include the following things first is the name then the name of the course and the instructor’s name and then the date is important too. 8. Revising: Organization and attributionRead, revise, and make sure that your ideas are clearly organized and that they support your thesis statement. Every single paragraph should have a single topic that is derived from the thesis statement. If any paragraph does not, take it out, or revise your thesis if you think it is warranted. Check that you have quoted and paraphrased accurately, and that you have acknowledged your sources even for your paraphrasing. Every single idea that did not come to you as a personal epiphany or as a result of your own methodical reasoning should be attributed to its owner.
    In just 3 minutes help us understand how you see arXiv. Begin outlining your paper so that when you sit to write, you already have the bulk of it prepared. If you start early, you will have the advantage and ability to take breaks. This helps to revisit your argument with a clear head and potentially see things that you may have otherwise missed.  1. Use verbs instead of abstract nouns The discussion needs to be just that—a discussion. It isn’t enough to simply rehash your results; you need to situate your research in the context of previous studies, draw out the practical implications of your own research, address limitations, and suggest areas for future study. The abstract is the elevator pitch for your article. Most abstracts are 150–300 words, which translates to approximately 10–20 sentences. Like any good pitch, it should describe the importance of the field, the challenge that your research addresses, how your research solves the challenge, and its potential future impact. It should include any key quantitative metrics. It is important to remember that abstracts are included in search engine results.

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  • Darry disse:

    The Glue Gunner is the only primary tower to make this list, but it belongs. With a longer range than other towers that slow, it’s already doing a great job, but it sets itself apart from other utility towers by putting this slow on the dreaded MOAB class blimps. Left mouse button I have found it very easy to win Bloons Tower Defense using only Dart Towers (monkeys). In fact, I just recently played it using only Dart Towers and only giving them the piercing dart upgrade (forget about range, you don’t need it). BTD6 keeps similar upgrade paths, also adding the M.A.D. (MOAB Assured Destroyer) after the Rocket Storm upgrade, which reduces the Dartling Gunner’s rate of fire in exchange for launching huge missiles that do devastating damage to MOAB-class bloons. In addition to the laser and rocket paths, BTD6 also has a new upgrade path, which makes the Dartling shoot slower and reduces its range, but now shoots bursts of highly damaging buckshot, with the Bloon Area Denial System and Bloon Exclusion Zone granting it several barrels that can be set to automatically target nearby bloons like a regular tower.
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    Part of the industry’s positive view on bitcoin right now actually stems from how the asset has performed during the banking turmoil sparked by the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and the failure of two crypto-friendly lenders Silvergate Capital and Signature Bank. Bitcoin’s inflation rate, which determines how many Bitcoin are created, is cut in half every 4 years, called “the halvening”. The next halvening is set to occur in March 2024 and it will likely have a massive effect on the price of Bitcoin (though it will likely be “priced-in”, at least to some degree, by the time it happens). For each period, the “Percent From Last” column shows you where the current price is in relationship to the Low price for that period. When positive, the current price is that much higher than the lowest price from that period. When negative, the current price is that much lower than the lowest price reported for the period.

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    WebioticWeb Design Miami In its rapid ascension to the top of the industry, International Van Lines has shown its commitment to superior customer service. They maintain an excellent staff of dedicated employees to just this area of their business, and they assign two experienced movers to each move. When booking with IVL, you are never fully out of touch with your move or your belongings, even as they are making their way across the country. You should make sure that you are completely comfortable with the long-distance moving company that you choose. Make sure to ask if they are a broker or a carrier, if they are licensed by the FMSCA, and the type of transit coverage they have to offer. U-Pack: Also tied at No. 4, U-Pack’s DIY approach is different from the full-service companies in our rating. U-Pack provides a truck or a smaller container (depending on the volume of stuff to be moved) that the company drops off at your home. You then pack and load your belongings into the truck or container yourself or hire a third party to do it. After that, U-Pack – through its primary carrier ABF Freight – transports the items to the final destination, where you unload and unpack everything.
    Sign up for a new account in our community. It’s easy! There are several methods for installing a new foundation. The most common way is to have only the footers poured ahead of time. This allows the house to be driven down a ramp and over the footers. Then the house will be lifted up and supported while the new foundation is built up under it. If there is no room for a ramp, another option is to have the new foundation installed before the house arrives and then the house can be moved up to and slid on top of that foundation. This tends to be more expensive but is useful when necessary. When you choose your house moving contractor, you must choose someone with the right equipment and the know-how to use it correctly for your project. Before setting up any equipment, our crew does a thorough evaluation of your home’s weight and architecture. Prepping on the front end ensures the entirety of the move goes smoothly.

  • cruby disse:

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  • foere disse:

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    The article includes images illustrating the definitions of common satoshis, which encompass any satoshi that was not the first in a block. Uncommon satoshis, on the other hand, represent the first satoshi in a block, and currently, there are nearly seven million of this type. 2024, coupled with the development of Bitcoin L2, may be the first year when “Satoshi” gradually becomes the basic unit of accounting for Bitcoin in the next stage, and it is also the first year for Bitcoin The beginning of the return of the payment attributes of the “global currency” to center stage. The act of accumulating sats (Satoshis) regularly through mining, buying or by earning is called stacking sats. By stacking sats you are basically purchasing small amounts of Bitcoin. Some of the platforms which can be used in earning bitcoin passively are Nostr (for content creators), Wavlake (for musicians), Thundr (for playing games), Stacker News, and even Blink Lightning Wallet (through the Earn section), simple Bitcoin (through learning about Bitcoin.)
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  • sswvrypum disse:

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    Christian Falk is the head of football at the BILD Group, responsible for reporting on FC Bayern, Bundesliga and acts as… read more Manchester City defender John Stones feels Crystal Palace’s Marc Guehi has really “bought into” their partnership in defence for England. Glasner is hopeful of being able to call upon the returning Jairo Riedewald, however, adding: “We have no new injuries, but Jairo is coming back. He trained the whole week with us and he could be in the squad on Sunday. Moves for Lokonga and Gallagher would certainly achieve that goal, and would bring technical ability and energy to the Palace midfield. } While his first cap for Jamaica came in 2002, he rejoined the national side in time for Jamaica to earn an invite to the Copa America in 2015, having previously competed in the Gold Cup against purely North American opponents.

  • eacczkbrc disse:

    The account of the person who posted the message was not publicly viewable as of Tuesday. Connie Kaldor and her Universe English soccer’s dominant force was tested by a new rival in the form of Arsenal, but Mikel Arteta’s team has buckled under the pressure of trying to keep pace with Guardiola’s relentless trophy-winning machine. Police in London are investigating a racially aggravated tweet about Bukayo Saka that was posted after the Arsenal midfielder’s missed penalty in a Premier League game. (More Football News) Founded in 2001, the goal of Arsenal America has been  to grow and strengthen support for Arsenal across the U.S. Arsenal America branches are places where connections and communities are built – forged in celebration. song, and charity. We’re honored to champion these groups across our entire national supporters network, and hope you’ll be able to join us at a match soon!
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  • lblyvomeg disse:

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    “There’s at least 80 tickets at $200 a ticket,” said Jeremy Price. Israeli foreign minister Yair Lapid distances government from blacklisted NSO Group “They’re practicing at full volume and they do this anywhere from 7 in the morning to 11 at night. At it’s sometimes four days a week, some days five days a week, and it’s very random,” said Price. Violence against children caught in armed conflict reached “extreme levels” last year, with a “shocking” 21 per cent increase in extreme violations, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said in a report published on Thursday.  Guterres faced criticism from Palestinian rights advocates for failing to place Israel on the so-called list of shame, which included Russia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Somalia, Syria and Haiti.

  • gzudrmfed disse:

    As players progress through the game, they encounter a variety of enemies and bosses, each requiring different strategies to defeat. Isaac’s primary defense lies in his ability to cry tears as projectiles, a mechanic that is as whimsical as it is symbolic within the game’s narrative context. Along the way, Isaac can collect power-ups that alter his abilities dramatically, leading to a highly customizable play style. These power-ups include everything from enhancing his tears to granting him new, sometimes bizarre, powers. The binding of isaac noodle king unblocked This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data.
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  • zaqryzkyz disse:

    It’s also worth considering that not all lash growth serums are made the same and the different ingredients may impact the effectiveness of different serums. We saw our lashes grow longer in just a few weeks. Not a valid email! Formulated to accommodate sensitive eyes, this product was actually developed by a physician for his wife when she was undergoing cancer treatment. It has a peptide complex to strengthen and soften the lashes and is the only formula on the shelf to also give lashes a built-in curl—allowing you to lay off the curler and keep lashes that much healthier. The product also happens to be the one that Meghan Markle “swears” by. To help you narrow in on the formulas that really deliver those Hollywood lashes, we put more than a dozen of the most popular, dermatologist-recommended formulations to the test. Our team of editors dutifully swiped them on each day, taking notes on ease of use and overall efficacy. We saw incredible results with Latisse, the only FDA-approved treatment for lash enhancement, but were similarly impressed with how thick, full, and darker a number of other over-the-counter options like RevitaLash made our reviewers’ natural lashes.
    Clinically tested. Dermatologist- and ophthalmologist-approved. Safe for sensitive eyes and contact lens wearers. © Copyright 2022 Physicians Formula. All Rights Reserved. I have more Physicians Formula products, so if you’re interested, I’ll show you more soon. I suppose the bigger the buzz in the UK, the more likely the brand will find a stockist. Biodeur Smart Pythie Nail Sponge 3×3 g Now, to my favorite product in the bunch. While it might not be the most exciting and definitely not the most colorful, Physicians Formula Organic Wear Lip Treatment is a fantastic clear lip treatment. It also contains organic shea butter, organic coconut oil, organic jojoba oil, and antioxidant vitamin E and feels buttery smooth. I was drawn to this mascara because of the fact that it’s organic, which is a huge priority of mine. I use the Ultra Black shade. I don’t really see myself switching over to anything else for daily wear.

  • uimwotrbh disse:

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    One point separates the leading four teams in Group G, with Turkey top despite blowing a two-goal lead in a 2-2 draw at home to Montenegro. Ronaldo is also the most-capped player in men’s international football which former Real Madrid captain Sergio Ramos held since 2020. That was the case for Cristiano Ronaldo on Sunday. Ali Daei, with 109 goals, is also the top international scorer among Asian players while Godfrey Chitalu of Zambia sits on top in the list of African footballers. “It was a late goal but we won the game. After scoring it was easier,” Portugal midfielder Danilo told Portuguese broadcasters SIC. Iranian striker Mehdi Taremi has emerged as the leading goal scorer in the Portuguese Primeira Liga with 22 goals he scored for his team, FC Porto. One point separates the leading four teams in Group G, with Turkey top despite blowing a two-goal lead in a 2-2 draw at home to Montenegro.

  • otgomdarr disse:

    For the last year however, foot traffic at brick and mortar stores like Video Game Underground has been reduced by the COVID-19 pandemic. The game works by having players race to find a route home through London. Route Cards are laid out in the middle, which display stations and departure times. You’ll have to scan through and find your way home as quickly as possible, writing down each step of the journey as you go. Routes can be checked in the solution book at the end! 331-64-ATARI | 331-642-8274 More than just a game store! This is an expansion. A copy of Root the board game is required to play. Tabletop What are you waiting for? Pick up the keys, start engines and prove your machine. 05:00 pm – 11:00 pm THIS GAME IS AWESOME! very original and fun! i love this game…you need to have stratigy and very addicting
    Fortnite has gone live on the Google Play Store and you can download it right away, similar to how you can install any other game. The APK file is close to a 100MB and once that’s installed, it will ask you to download the rest of the package. Players won’t have to deal with any additional app like before. Epic Games will also release all the app updates via the PlayStore, which is more streamlined and convenient than before. In a statement to Mashable, a Google spokesperson noted that Fortnite is still available on Android — just not from the Google Play Store. You can get it on a lot of modern devices, from smartphones and tablets to PC, and even consoles like the PS4. But how exactly do you get your hands on it on PS4, specifically? You’ll notice there aren’t any Fortnite discs sold in stores (barring any used copies of the original game that launched in 2017), so the only way to get it on your system is to download it. In this guide, we’ll show you how to do just that.

  • neeqzwrcg disse:

    13 ديسمبر 2024 إحدى المشاكل الأكثر شيوعًا التي قد يواجهها المستخدمون أثناء استخدام 1xBet هي الأخطاء الفنية. يمكن أن تتراوح هذه من أوقات التحميل البطيئة إلى الأخطاء أثناء وضع الرهانات أو ممارسة الألعاب مثل لعبة Aviator Plane. على الرغم من أن مثل هذه المشكلات قد تكون محبطة، إلا أنها عادة ما يتم حلها بسرعة بواسطة فريق الدعم الفني للمنصة. يمكن لأي عميل جديد زيادة إيداعه الأولي بمقدار 2. إيداع صغير على 1الرهان لعبة الطيار هو 30-60 aed روبل ، مما يعني أن الضيف سيكون لديه احتياطي العملة. وتستند استراتيجيات البداية في الطيار على حجم تمويل. والمزيد من المال لاعب لديه ، وزيادة فرصة الانتظار لخسارة متتالية والحصول على دفع تعويضات مع مضاعف من 100.
    The Aviator Predictor app boasts a 95% accuracy rate in predicting when an airplane will fully ascend in the game. The download and installation processes are simple and quick to complete. Once you’ve registered an account, you gain immediate access to its full suite of features. Meet a game in which a plane rises virtually, and the chances to win big money rise with meters, too. This is what the Aviator game is about. The fun is figuring out when to take your money out before the plane hits the ground or crashes, with a multiple of your initial bet. It is a game of skills, planning, and sometimes luck, which are key reasons that make it a thrilling option for all gamblers. net.hackerbot.hbsiteapp *The game involves an element of financial risk and may be addictive. Please play responsibly and at your own risk.

  • qzfzetflv disse:

    Now you know how to download Daman Games, Register and Adding funds to Daman. After playing games, you will win these games and some amount of money. So now you want to withdraw that winning amount in your bank account. Daman Games provides faster and easier bank withdrawals. If you are facing any issue please follow below mentioned steps to withdraw your money. Now you know how to download Daman Games, Register and Adding funds to Daman. After playing games, you will win these games and some amount of money. So now you want to withdraw that winning amount in your bank account. Daman Games provides faster and easier bank withdrawals. If you are facing any issue please follow below mentioned steps to withdraw your money. Single 8 – Jodi 85 – Patti 567 Among gamblers from India, Aviator is perhaps the best-known crash game. The ease of use, short round length, and, of course, the possibility to win big helped it achieve a meteoric rise to fame upon the 2019 debut. The Aviator app contains the mobile version of the game. The well-known casino sites such as Parimatch, Pin-Up, or Rajabets, create such programs.
    Aviator games is a screen adaptive that enables users to get everything on their mobile screens. It makes sure the game works well across a range of devices. The game adapts the layout and controls to fit smaller screens without sacrificing functionality. Tecpinion provides you comprehensive provably fair Aviator casino game development services that cover all the key features of the Aviator game Highly experienced & skilled Tech geeks are associated with us. One of the primary challenges in aviator game development is striking a balance between realism and entertainment. While it is essential to create an authentic aviation experience, developers must also ensure that the game remains engaging and enjoyable for players. Achieving this delicate balance requires extensive research, attention to detail, and a deep understanding of the target audience.

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