Cuidado com os enganadores!
Há uns 9 ou 10 anos atrás, quando eu comecei a entrar (ainda que timidamente) no mundo das apostas, eu me lembro bem que a disponibilidade de conteúdo em português era muito escassa. Naquela época, poucas casas de apostas estavam com os pés cravados no Brasil, e quase não existiam comunidades ou fóruns para o apostador brasileiro.
Para começar a entender o que era um Punter, como que um Trader ganhava e o que ele fazia no seu dia a dia, era preciso vasculhar os mais diversos fóruns e a maioria do conteúdo era em inglês ou espanhol.
Hoje, analisando friamente a situação em que passei, de certa forma agradeço pela necessidade da procura mais avançada e de não ter tido tudo em minhas mãos de maneira fácil, pois isso me forçou a vasculhar um conteúdo avançado, de qualidade e muito seletivo e é aqui que mora o perigo para o novo apostador que entra hoje neste mesmo cenário, mas com muito conteúdo em nosso idioma.
Hoje vejo uma enxurrada de péssimas informações disponíveis para o público brasileiro, aproveitadores vendendo cursos mirabolantes para ganhar dinheiro fácil, vejo muitos pseudo tipstersse auto promovendo sem ter skill para isso, e principalmente, vejo várias casas de apostas enganarem o apostador com promoções terríveis, rollovers enganosos.
A busca pelo conhecimento é uma das coisas mais valiosas na trajetória de qualquer um e em qualquer profissão, mas até mesmo para buscar conhecimento é preciso conhecer. Até para buscar informações para fazer um prognóstico é preciso saber separar o Joio do Trigo.
Com a abundância da demanda pelo conteúdo em português fica fácil para qualquer um escrever 5 ou 6 linhas e colocar um palpite em qualquer direção sem o mínimo de responsabilidade, dando o nome disto de prognóstico.
Existe uma grande diferença em exercitar-se escrevendo e escrever bobagens para exercitar-se.
O que me move a escrever este texto é alertar o mais novo apostador ou interessado de que realmente a máxima: “ Não existe dinheiro fácil “ é a mais pura verdade também no mundo de apostas. Se você leu ou alguém te disse que existe um curso para trade que te garante ganhos com pouco esforço ou sem investir, esqueça, pois isto não existe. Se você viu que existe determinado modo de apostar, determinada estratégia ou o que seja que lhe trará garantia de lucros em curto prazo, esqueça, uma das maiores bobagens é tentar ganhar qualquer coisa em curto prazo (falaremos disto em outro artigo)
Só existe uma maneira de ganhar, que é investir seu tempo de forma cuidadosa, agregando qualidade em tudo aquilo que você faz e sabendo que se ganha no longo prazo com muito esforço e sem milagres.
A melhor maneira de buscar artigos ou prognósticos, cursos ou qualquer conteúdo que seja, é preciso confiar seu tempo em alguém que realmente passe confiança, que tenha um histórico vencedor e sempre, mas sempre mesmo, desconfie e tenha um pé atrás com qualquer um que queira vender soluções milagrosas pois “ Dinheiro fácil “ não existe, o que existe é muito estudo, tempo investido e conhecimento para te deixar em porte de buscar a sua independência financeira e viver profissionalmente de apostas esportivas.
Se você é novo neste mundo e realmente preza por qualidade, comece filtrando suas buscas por conteúdos gratuitos. Evite pagar qualquer coisa para qualquer pessoa, até que você consiga entender a relação entre a qualidade e o comum, e principalmente, use muito o conteúdo de fora. O Brasil embora esteja crescendo, ainda engatinha nas apostas, enquanto os outros países de fora estão anos luz a nossa frente e possuem uma riqueza absurda de conteúdo que pode ser explorado.
Não se deixe enganar, e nem acredite em milagres, pois o único modo de vencer é dando as cartas e fazendo as escolhas certas.
145 Comentários
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Tottenham Hotspur vs Royal Antwerp, 1.30 AM IST All Carabao Cup fixtures will be played on midweek days, except for the final on Sunday, Feb. 26. Sure, 31 editions of the north London derby have taken place since the last goalless draw in February 2009. Yes, there have been 33 goals in the last 10 clashes, and you don’t have to dig too far into the archives to find 4-2s, 5-2s, 4-1s, 3-3s and those 4-4 and 5-4 results mentioned earlier. But what is the extra appeal outside of the 17 square miles of Haringey and Islington if neither are competing for the titles that matter? Spurs TV schedule includes their Premier League matches on Sky Sports, BT Sport and Amazon Prime, their FA Cup matches on the BBC and ITV, Carabao Cup matches on Sky Sports and their Champions League matches on BT Sport.
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Authors reporting X-Ray crystallographic structures of small organic, metal-organic, and inorganic molecules must deposit their data with the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC), the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD), or similar community databases providing a recognized validation functionality. Authors are also required to include the relevant structure reference numbers within the main text (e.g. the CCDC ID number), as well as the crystallographic information files (.cif format) as Supplementary Information, along with the checkCIF validation reports that can be obtained via the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr). The length and detail presented in the background varies for different research papers, depending on the complexity and novelty of the research topic. At times, a simple background suffices, even if the study is complex. Before writing and adding details in the background, take a note of these additional points:
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The buffalo itself is the standout symbol in all the slots in this range. It appears stacked on all five of the reels and can lead to some huge pay outs. Buffalo slots use an all-ways setup, feature free spins which are easy to retrigger and have wilds which can multiply your prizes. While the original buffalo slot is available both live and online, you will need to head to the brick and mortar casinos in Detroit and around MI to enjoy the full range. Here are some of the newer Buffalo slots to enjoy in the Great Lake state: This review looks at Buffalo – the original slots machine – not Buffalo Gold, a more recent version of the classic. There’s a lot to discuss here, which symbols are the most valuable, the different bonuses, and of course that all-important jackpot. Read on to find out:
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Format is the industry standard 6max games. NLHE and PLO. Games range from 1c 2c to $10 $20. There is plenty of action up til $1 2 NLHE and bigger games run fairly often as well. The PLO games here don’t really run, but the ones I have played in were juicy. You can’t buy in for specific amounts and can choose between three presets, min(40bb), middle(70bb) or max(100bb), which translates to $80, $140 or $200 in the $1 $2 game. The games are fun to play in and run smoothly. Despite lesser rewards for playing them, these are the only online cash games in Ontario I really play because I find the games have softer competition despite some tough regulars. In the event that we terminate the offering of our business in your country, payouts will be subject to reasonable processing charges. Players can take part in Slot Tournaments at both live and top online casinos, Ryan Freidman feel that their crown jewels are in the best software hands and shared at the same time their excitement about teaming up with the creative giant to bring Myers home for Halloween. If you need immediate assistance, you can bring home a pretty substantial maximum win. You don’t require any bonus code to claim this offer, which is 10,000x the original bet.
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These kittens are treated like absolute royalty. Their diamonds are lying everywhere. Try to collect them in bowlfuls in this simple-to-play, easy to enjoy slot game. The IGT G20 machines feature beautiful dual 20″ video slots with a huge theme library to choose from. We have more titles for this machine than are listed online, please contact us for specific title inquiries. This slot gambling method gives consistency and a low-risk approach. Slots such as Kitty Glitter are perfect for this type of strategy. You spend minimal money until hitting a winning hand. This firstly ensures that you do not drain your funds quickly. Secondly, you only increase your bets when you win. Using this method will not gain huge value jackpot wins, but it is the safest and most-consistent method to utilize if you don’t want to play with no restraints.
Instant payout online casinos have instant reaction to regular cash out requests. They take a few moments to process requests. Realizing casino is too slow cashing your winnings out is really frustrating. Another thing to note is the gamification available on these gaming sites. Tournaments, missions, achievements… you can have more options of getting extra credits and making your deposits last. Organizations like eCOGRA to confirm the claims on a slot payout percentage run various tests on a slot, such as spinning the slot’s reels numerous times to find out the actual payout of a slot. The wheels must be spun for the payout percentage to make sense. Our picks of the best payout casino sites above all scored highly for having the highest return rates and best payouts across the board. There’s more to the best payout online casino UK sites than just their payouts, though. They above are also all licensed operators that have met our other strict criteria for judging online casinos, which we’ll explain in the next section of our best casino payouts guide.
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Online casinos in India are experiencing a renaissance. Hundreds of platforms are competing for Indian players’ attention, but distinguishing a serious casino site from a scam or average offer can be a tricky task. Novice players lack the knowledge to identify top casinos India. That is why our experts reveal the best sites accepting real money wagers on online slots, table games, live casino games, and even sports betting. There is sadly no Grand Ivy casino app, anything else you may have heard is, unfortunately, a myth. However, it does offer a website that you can pin to your home screen, making it suitable for any device with internet access. The mobile site is fully optimised and, in my opinion, easier to browse than the main site which is no bad thing for those who prefer to play their slots or other games on the go. All of the Grand Ivy game lobby is available on mobile, including hundreds of slot and table games with scratch cards and the full live dealer suite. The overall game quality on your mobile device will be as good as on your desktop as long as you are using the latest software.
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Big Fish Games is a developer on Google Play. They have a ton of casino games. Most of them are variants on the popular slots game. However, their big title is Big Fish Casino. It features slots, Texas Hold’em, Blackjack, Roulette, and many more. They generally boast large winnings, but the odds are what they are. The freemium strategy is a little aggressive. They’ll ask you buy tokens fairly frequently. The games have their bugs, but they’re decent experiences overall. The developer is also moving away from casino games a bit and there is a smattering of non-casino games on the developer page now. Cash App offers a simple way to deposit at gambling sites and play the best online casino games that pay real money. These are the most popular gaming options that you can find at the top casino sites. Give them a try, and you might just win big!
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One of the standout features of 1xBet’s eSports platform is the option for live betting. This means you can place bets in real-time as the action unfolds during a match. The platform provides live statistics, odds updates, and live streams of matches, allowing you to make informed decisions on the fly. It’s an adrenaline-pumping experience that sets 1xBet apart from the competition. Like sports betting, online eSports betting requires you to go through the betting markets and compare odds before placing bets. Note that every eSports betting site allows you to place in-play bets, too. They also provide live streaming services to assist with eSports betting. That has seen an increase in dedicated eSports betting sites, with most offering competitive odds.
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We created our member account for people who want a better way to experience free slots and casino games. If you fit that description, our account membership is for you. Not only do you get an improved overall version of VegasSlotsOnline, but you’ll also get access to a range of exclusive features such as VSO Coins and free tournaments with real cash prizes. We’ve made sure to make the registration process dead easy too, and at no extra cost. All you need is your email address to get started. H5C Sweeps Play is not sponsored in any way by Best Buy, Starbucks, or Sam’s Club. US players have access to many free casino games at top real money US online casinos. You can play real cash casino games for free and withdraw real money to your bank account if you win. BonusFinder has researched the best online casinos to play casino games for real money for free. Pick a casino site and play online slot game of your choice.
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Use the Caesars Palace Online Casino Michigan promo code NYPCASINO2500 to take advantage of this fantastic deal and get started with one of the best online casinos in Michigan. Once you have done so, table games. You won’t win real money with the demo mode, and poker among others. Hopefully, your March Madness bet was a winner, and you now have some profit to withdraw. Or you earned some bonus bets that will give you another chance to make a winning bet. Maybe even both! One of the best Michigan casino bonus offers is from Caesars Palace Online Casino MI. New users get Get a 100% Deposit Match up to $2,500 + 2,500 Rewards Points! with promo code NYPCASINO2500. The high cap on the deposit match and the rewards points are valuable for new users and experienced bettors alike. Bet365’s players will also get to experience EGT Digital’s proprietary content.
Overall, PartyPoker Casino offers a great range of slots to choose from, plus the chance to strike it rich with half a dozen Progressive Jackpots Slots. The online casino also spreads American Roulette Pro, Double Bonus Spin Roulette, European Roulette Pro, Multi-hand Blackjack Pro, Sidebet Blackjack, Win Win Blackjack, three IGT Game King Video Poker titles, as well as Craps, No Commission Baccarat and Texas Hold’em Bonus Poker. PartyPoker is constantly modifying their game selection based on player demand, so please view today’s selection of games available on PartyPoker Casino here. While PartyPoker’s global operations flourished, its re-entry into the US market remained a long-term strategic goal. In 2013, PartyPoker took a significant step towards this goal with the launch of PartyPoker NJ, an online poker platform available exclusively in New Jersey. The platform operated under a license from the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement and partnered with the Borgata Casino in Atlantic City.
Play. Rock. Repeat. Guests must be 21 or older to enter Terre Haute Casino Resort. Tracking installs and account sign-ups are important too, he said. Performance channels like Facebook, Apple and Google are paid on downloads, regardless of Hard Rock’s 14-day analytics window. But adding the two-week analytics period means the company isn’t just optimizing campaigns toward apps or publishers that drive installs, but to media that drives new users who of their own volition will make bets and use the app consistently. Whether it’s at the nightclub or at the only dayclub in South Florida, guests can expect the hottest names to make an appearance. To learn more about DAER Nightclub and Dayclub, go to hardrocknightlife. Yes. Hard Rock Social Casino is a legitimate sweepstakes casino that allows you to play for fun and real prizes that can be redeemed at a retail casino. The social casino operates legally in 49 states and makes use of the latest encryption technology.
Over 1,000 slots, card games, table games, and live casino games are available at 888Casino. The business is licensed by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, as well as, the UK Gambling Commission and the Malta gaming authority. Many Malta-based companies operate in the same field; most Malta gambling firms are reputable and respected. 888Casino is also licensed in Gibraltar, with the remote gaming license numbers 112 and 113.888Casino trades as Virtual Digital Services Limited in the European Union and as Virtual Global Digital Services in the rest of the world. In comparison to other online casinos, I really enjoy playing at 888 Casino Ontario, and especially their exclusive in-house games. There is a lot to recommend with this site, and I think it deserved to be crowned the Casino Operator of the Year in 2021. Both established players and those new to the online gambling world will find things to enjoy at 888 Ontario.
Win up to six surprises this month! Playing at an online casino usually requires you to wager money, whether you’re playing Roulette, Blackjack or slots. But at a free to play casinos no deposit wagers are readily available, so you can play games without the need to spend any money. That means it doesn’t qualify as gambling, making social casinos legal just about everywhere across the US. Start playing at Ignition Casino with a 300% up to $3,000 welcome bonus on your first deposit. The bonus package consists of a 150% poker bonus up to $1,500 and a 150% casino bonus up to $1,500. 250% WELCOME BONUS New clients have the opportunity to enter the Lucky Tiger casino promo code and receive exceptional welcome bonuses: Playing at an online casino usually requires you to wager money, whether you’re playing Roulette, Blackjack or slots. But at a free to play casinos no deposit wagers are readily available, so you can play games without the need to spend any money. That means it doesn’t qualify as gambling, making social casinos legal just about everywhere across the US.
It is possible to play any game you like for free at non GamStop casino. You will need to find a demo version of that game. Although demo slots are the most common, table games, scratch cards, lotteries, and other casino games are available. You will get virtual money to play with and you play as long as needed. This is used by gamblers to master a game they will later play for real money. As noted, non-GamStop online casinos offer an alternative to traditional online casinos registered with the UK’s self-exclusion scheme, GamStop. You will still be able to enjoy fair gambling, even if your spending limit is not met. It is important to be responsible when you play in casinos that do not offer gamstop. You can find more detailed information on safe gambling at a non-gamstop casinos on the website montycasinos.
1:500 Leverage Metatrader 5 was developed to be a replacement for MT4, but in the beginning, it wasn’t received as well as expected by many Forex brokers. Even now, it is still offered alongside MT4 rather than as a standalone platform, which means it’s left up to clients to decide which one they want to use. And it still tends to be MT4 they plump for. FOREX is one of the only forex brokers to provide MetaTrader support for U.S. clients. They have an impressive group of pairs to trade and 3 different accounts to choose from. They support both MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5, and are continually ranked the #1 forex broker in the U.S. The MetaTrader trading platform of the fifth series differs from the previous version of the program by several important improvements. As before, MT5 brokers support the use of advisors, indicators, and other scripts in Forex trading. At the same time, MetaTrader 5 boasts an improved strategy tester, a flexible development environment, and several other advantages. Thanks to them, MetaTrader 5 is chosen by traders all over the world. We present you with the best MT5 Forex brokers list on this page.
TU analysts explain that Forex trading platforms interface traders and the FX market, allowing them to access various currency pairs and execute trades. These platforms provide essential tools and resources, such as charting capabilities, news feeds, and risk management features, to help traders make informed decisions and manage their trading activities effectively. If you are looking for the best forex broker for trading in India, it is best to stick with brokers that are highly regulated and licensed. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) have yet to create a framework for licensing or regulating forex brokers. Education Forex trading has acquired popularity in India in recent years, as the net disposal income has increased, providing its citizens with more investment opportunities. However, the regulatory landscape is quite complex, with stringent regulations in place on locally regulated financial institutions. Therefore, the primary option for Indian traders to engage in the forex market is through foreign brokers.
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But social media marketing can be expensive, so business owners need to understand what factors affect their spending on social media marketing and their options. In this blog post, we will explore what social media marketing is, what content marketing is, the factors you need to be aware of, how to make a social media marketing budget, and the costs depending on which option you choose. In addition, we can offer you the most affordable social media management packages in the industry. That’s because our priorities are about helping American businesses, not things like fancy offices. That helps to keep our own costs low, leading to lower prices on social media management packages for your business. Designing your social media management budget requires thinking critically about the resources you need to reach your goals. While the upfront social media management costs might seem expensive, finding the right mix of tools will set you up for future success.
As more and more brands are getting on board with social media advertising, you must understand how to use social media for marketing and advertising to expand your conversion opportunities. To clue you in on how social media advertising works, our social media marketing firm enumerates the primary purposes of social media ads: Total Credit Hours LYFE Marketing has been consistently ranked in the top social media agencies by sites such as Clutch and UpCity. Besides offering social media advertising, SEO, PPC, and Email marketing as individual services, It offers comprehensive social media management services as well. The options for successful social media capture will depend on the technical configuration of a social media platform. Agency needs may also affect which social media capture method is used. Once the agency determines the capture method, they must provide training to applicable staff on how and when to use capture tools for social media. Agencies may need to work with third-party providers to implement social media capture.
When it comes to audience growth, Overtime’s “bread and butter” from its launch in 2016 is its distributed content strategy across social media platforms, according to the company’s CRO Rich Calacci. “Quite frankly, we don’t see that changing. That’s going to be a very critical part of our growth and development, especially as it relates to Gen Z and millennials,” he said. Advertising might be taking a hit with these younger generations. Millennials and Gen Z feel less connected to the ads they see online; only 36% of millennials and 32% of Gen Z reportedly trust the ads they’re targeted by on social media. Luxury magazines and high-end lifestyle publications are often the preferred choices for luxury advertisers to target an affluent audience with premium advertising campaigns online. With our ranking of the top 15 best luxury magazines, brands and advertisers get a comprehensive review of the best high-end media to achieve your digital marketing goals. This is the ultimate list of luxury magazines for marketing professionals.
To get an idea of what posts in your group might be worth to advertisers, hook up your social media accounts to Social Bluebook. It’ll give you a rough estimate of what you could be charging for posts, but those aren’t hard numbers to live by. It also serves as a platform to introduce you to potential brand partners. Our best expert advice on how to grow your business — from attracting new customers to keeping existing customers happy and having the capital to do it. Facebook Ad Managers are in charge of running ads for businesses to increase their customer base and income. The team creates one ad set per each of the two audiences. As for the overall remarketing budget, we recommend setting it to 10-20% of the budget you spend on advertising. For example, if you spend $1,000 on advertising, set your remarketing budget to $100-200. Thus, the more you spend on advertising the more you should spend on remarketing.
outputDateTimeDetails(1715830986, 1715830988, 0); outputDateTimeDetails(1715831308, 1715831309, 0); Ad Unit: “+data2.slot.getAdUnitPath().replace(” 6088″,””)+’ Use of and or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement (updated 4 18 2024), Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (updated 12 31 2023). Copyright © 2024 KSAT is managed by Graham Digital and published by Graham Media Group, a division of Graham Holdings. By providing my email address, I agree to the Terms of Use and acknowledge that I have read the Privacy Policy. Scottsdale News Former ABC12 anchor, reporter and meteorologist Leslie Toldo settled her lawsuit against the Flint-based television station nearly a month before the case was scheduled to head to trial, according to court records. The settlement was reported Tuesday, Dec. 15, to Genesee Circuit Judge Geoffrey Neithercut, who was assigned to hear the case.
Site designed & built by Other Media, powered by Clubcast In other news, West Ham fans livid over ‘sickening’ handball footage – ‘Worst decision I have ever seen’ Wes Foderingham – Sheffield United, free Manchester United will kick-off their 2024-2025 Premier League campaign at home – taking on Fulham , who finished in 13th place last season, at Old Trafford before travelling to Brighton. Let’s be real here – David Moyes made some shocking signings for West Ham United during his tenure at the club. Don’t get me wrong,… West Ham United winger Said Benrahma has completed a move to French side Olympique Lyonnais for a fee understood to be €14m (£11.9m). Bruno’s teammate speaks out as ‘dream’ £12.5m West Ham transfer nears
Founded in : 1878 A security issue was automatically identified, when you tried to access the website. via the GuardianPremier League Schedule 📆EPL fixtures for 2024-25 season are here рџ“І © 2024 BBC. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Read about our approach to external linking. Please try refreshing or accessing our website from a different browser or another device. You could also check if there are any scripts, like ad blockers, running in your browser and disable them. Manchester United was formed as Newton Heath LYR in 1878 by workers from the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway. It was renamed Manchester United in 1902. Adam Crafton and Charlotte Harpur194 However, the current season has brought challenges. Under the management of Erik ten Hag, the team has experienced its worst season start since 1962, though his position is reportedly secure for the time being. On the field, the team is navigating through the absence of key players like Casemiro due to injury. Off the field, the club is undergoing significant changes, with Omar Berrada, formerly of Manchester City, stepping in as the new CEO, signalling a potential new direction in the club’s strategy. Furthermore, a notable ownership shift is on the horizon as Sir Jim Ratcliffe is set to acquire a 25% stake in the club, committing a substantial sum for the improvement of the club’s infrastructure.
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Irish Lotto is drawn on Wednesdays and Saturdays, when six main numbers and a Bonus Ball are dispensed in the main game. There are two additional draws, Lotto Plus 1 and Lotto Plus 2, which players can enter with the same set of numbers that they have chosen for Irish Lotto itself. It costs an extra €1 per line to play both draws, but they offer top prizes of €1 million and €250,000 respectively. In the village’s coffee shop, which doubles as an off-licence, Aidan Coleman tells BBC News NI that locals are delighted about Duleek’s new reputation as Ireland’s luckiest village. Premier Lotteries Ireland added €17 million (US$17.7 million) in unexpected revenue to its accounts last year. That’s the amount that some lottery winners didn’t claim in time, allowing the funds to return to the lottery operator.