O legado de Kobe Bryant no NBA | Análise de Especialistas
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O legado de Kobe Bryant
sáb 28 ago/21

O legado de Kobe Bryant

Você sabia que era possível que jogadores que estavam no Ensino Médio irem direto pra NBA sem passar pela faculdade? Kobe Bryant foi um dos poucos jogadores a ser escolhido no DRAFT da NBA direto do ensino médio.

Mesmo adolescente, Kobe já fazia suas exigências. Ele queria jogar em Los Angeles a qualquer custo. Ele foi escolhido na 13ª posição do DRAFT de 1996 com 17 anos pelo Charlotte Hornets sendo imediatamente trocado para o Los Angeles Lakers por Vlade Divac, que era ídolo do time californiano naquela época.

Quando Kobe Bryant entrou na NBA como um adolescente magro e atlético da Lower Merion High School, ele tinha uma mente fechada. Ele era um solitário consumido com a ideia de vencer, não importando o custo.

Ao longo de duas décadas de carreira, Bryant montou uma das maiores carreiras da história da NBA. Mas algo mudou quando a lenda do Lakers fez a transição de seu auge para seus anos de crepúsculo. Depois de passar a maior parte de sua carreira restrita a um círculo íntimo, Bryant derrubou o muro entre ele e o resto da liga, mostrando disposição para abrir os canais de comunicação com seus adversários.

Seu mantra “Mamba Mentality” serviu de inspiração para a próxima geração de jogadores. Entre a aposentadoria e sua morte trágica, Bryant lançou o desafio “Mamba Mentality” para algumas das melhores e mais brilhantes jovens estrelas da NBA, dentre elas:

Giannis Antetokounmpo

Kobe desafiou Giannis a vencer o prêmio de MVP e o título da NBA. “No início, eu estava pensando que era brincadeira. Não achei que ele fosse responder a mim, mas quando ele respondeu, ele me fez acreditar.

Eu pensei, ‘Kobe Bryant acha que eu posso fazer isso? Posso jogar em alto nível, liderar meu time e ganhar MVP? ‘ Tive que fazer isso. Então, tive que trabalhar duro. Não necessariamente para não decepcioná-lo, eu tive que trabalhar duro porque as pessoas acreditavam que eu podia fazer isso. ”

Giannis não só conseguiu tal feito como teve uma aparição fantástica nos playoffs além de ter marcado 50 pontos no último jogo das finais da NBA contra o Phoenix Suns.

Nikola Jokic

Kobe desafiou Jokic a vencer o prêmio de MVP. Na temporada 20/21, Jokic se tornou o primeiro MVP a jogar em todos os jogos da temporada regular desde … Kobe Bryant. A estrela sérvia teve uma média de 26.4 pontos, 10.8 rebotes e 8.3 assistências por jogo, enquanto teve um aproveitamento de 56.6% nos arremessos de quadra e 38.8% nas bolas de 3 pontos, levando o Denver Nuggets atormentado por lesões para as semifinais da Conferência Oeste.

Jokic disse: “Ele é uma lenda. Ele não é apenas uma lenda nos Estados Unidos. Ele é uma lenda no mundo tudo! O mundo perdeu uma grande pessoa, um grande modelo de pessoa e ídolo. É uma tremenda perda para todos. Quando você pensa em Kobe, não há desculpas. Nada pode tirar sua mente do que você ama fazer. É a ‘mentalidade Mamba’, com certeza. ”

John Wall

Kobe desafiou Wall a estar no 1° time de defesa da NBA. Depois de ganhar uma vaga no segundo time de Defesa da NBA na temporada 2014-15, Wall não conseguiu dar o próximo passo, mas sua ausência na Seleção de Defesa da NBA pode ser atribuída mais à saúde do que habilidade ou esforço. Wall lidou com uma série de lesões graves nos últimos anos, limitando-se a apenas 113 jogos no total desde o início da temporada 2017-18.

“Todo mundo tem que morrer em algum momento, mas as lendas nunca morrem. O que Kobe quis dizer, o sacrifício que ele fez para ficar longe de sua família, ficar longe de sua esposa e seus filhos, para dar ao jogo tudo o que ele amava porque Deus lhe deu aquela habilidade dada por Deus, era especial. É algo que é meio difícil de dizer, e é por isso que ele tinha a ‘mentalidade Mamba’. Mas o mais importante para mim foi o papel que ele assumiu depois do basquete, que foi ser pai e fazer tudo que podia para estar perto de sua família com o tempo que deu a eles por 20 anos. Isso é o que tornou Kobe tão especial.”

Kobe era mais que um jogador de basquete, era um grande pai, marido e amigo. E esse legado JAMAIS será esquecido! MAMBA PRA SEMPRE! Obrigado, Kobe!

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  • freek disse:

    On a related note, Kolodgy says some companies are developing “virtual machine” solutions, like PokerShield. Still in development, PokerShield is a custom-designed Linux operating system that can be booted directly from a USB or CD (or installed on your hard drive) and the system lets you segregate your OS into two distinct platforms: one for online poker and the other for all other computer activity. We rate BetMGM as the best online poker site for real money in the United States right now. Co-owner Entain is responsible for the world-famous PartyPoker brand, and it has equipped BetMGM with a very impressive online poker room. It is a popular brand, so the traffic is strong, and you can enjoy a range of tournaments, plus great promos. We also recommend Poker Stars, WSOP and 888 Poker, so check out our reviews of online poker rooms to find your ideal fit.
    No matter if you’re playing live or online poker, the most important part of reading your opponents is putting them on a range. Your request has been blocked due to a network policy. Tip: Players don’t show their hands to anyone else until they reach the showdown. Even if another player is out, it’s best to keep your cards a secret. You don’t want them to accidentally (or purposely) reveal the value of your cards. This form of team play is based on signaling and a prearranged strategy and may also involve specific table positioning. The purpose is to gain an unfair advantage over the other players at the table. This is also referred to as “hard” team play. There are many ruthless team strategies, but here are some of the more used approaches: Most of the best online poker sites also now host live dealer games, which offer the best of both worlds. In these, you still play poker online but deal with professional croupiers, who add a whole heap of the live casino experience to your game. Some even have a chat room attached to the game so you can communicate in real time with other players. Of course, it’s totally up to you which type of poker you wish to play and how you want to play it. The fun part is deciding what suits your gameplay best!

  • Jom disse:

    Красивые, ухоженные волосы — результат упорного труда. Для поддержания здоровья шевелюры недостаточно пользоваться только шампунем. Одним из эффективных средств для придания естественного блеска, оздоровления считаются масла. Не менее эффективно для укрепления ресниц и бровей работает настой из отвара репейника и миндального масла. На литр воды берется 200 грамм сухой травы (в равных частях листьев и корня), и пять ложек масла. Перемешиваем, и прячем в темное место на 4 дня. После этим средством рекомендуется раз в день промывать реснички. Компоненты, содержащиеся в масле жожоба, по составу схожи с естественным кожным салом и способны отсрочить раннее поседение и обеспечить глубокое восстановление волос. Также масло придает сияние, разглаживает пряди, делает их удивительно мягкими, помогает сберечь влагу, защищает от солнца, ускоряет процессы регенерации. Ниже представлены рецепты масок на основе касторового масла для улучшения состояния ресниц и бровей.
    Средство для тех, кому тушь приносит дискомфорт: она не раздражает чувствительные глаза и подходит тем, кто носит линзы. Благодаря текстуре мусса эта тушь быстро высыхает, не осыпаясь и не отпечатываясь на коже. А также не утяжеляет ресницы, подчеркивая их естественную форму, длину и слегка добавляя объема. Кстати, она тоже смывается водой без разводов. Попробуем разобраться, какое средство лучше подходит для ежедневного ухода за ресницами, а что лучше приберечь на случай экстренного восстановления. Важно разобраться в особенностях каждого препарата, чтобы принять решение о начале его использования. Пользуйтесь расчесочкой для ресниц. Кому-то, возможно, это совет может показаться возвращением в прошлое, но для многих визажистов эти расчесочки незаменимы, когда речь идет о разделении ресниц. Чтобы избежать комочков, нанесите тушь на основание ресниц, задержите щеточку на них на какое-то время, а затем проведите расческой до кончиков ресниц.

  • soync disse:

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    Mark contributions as unhelpful if you find them irrelevant or not valuable to the article. This feedback is private to you and won’t be shared publicly. In addition, the Association is continuing its educational efforts with EPIC Global Solutions. Over 50,000 student-athletes, coaches and administrators have been reached as part of the program, the largest of its kind globally. The NCAA has also launched its first sports betting e-learning module, designed to educate more than 500,000 current and prospective student-athletes on problem gambling harms and the risks sports betting poses to the integrity of sports. Yes, bettors can use their mobile data to use sports betting apps. Many sports betting apps will advise connecting via wifi, but you are still able to bet and play over mobile data. Bettors must be within New York state lines in order to wager.

  • Dauct disse:

    This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. However, it is important to understand that while these games are all free-to-play, some may include microtransactions or in-game purchases for optional content. This won’t affect the fun, but it is worth knowing before you dive in.  Gems Merge is a seemingly simple puzzle game that will quickly make you realise that it is anything but that and that, in fact, it is actually a super challenging game of planning and quick mathematical ability. In Gems Merge, you will need to continuously add gems of the same value together (creating one gem in its place with a value higher than 1) and prevent the game grid from filling up and reaching the top of the grid. Allow that to happen, and you have lost. Gems Merge is a game that anyone can play and is sure to help you refreshen your counting skills and ability to make quick decisions.
    The Horror video game quickly moved beyond consoles to the personal computer. Infocom’s text-based adventure The Lurking Horror certainly qualified as a haunted house game influenced by the writings of H. P. Lovecraft. House of Ashes is the third game in The Dark Pictures Anthology – A military unit searching for chemical weapons unearths something far deadlier. Scary Granny Horror Game offers a pulse-pounding adventure filled with fear, suspense, and terror at every turn. With its immersive storyline, challenging gameplay, and bone-chilling atmosphere, this game is sure to leave players trembling with fear. So, if you dare to enter the haunted house and confront the horrors that await within, prepare yourself for the ultimate test of courage and survival in the Scary Granny Horror Game.

  • Rip disse:

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    DETROIT, Oct. 5, 2023 — Authentic Gaming is set to make its North American debut now that the Michigan Gaming Control Board has authorized it to livestream real-time casino table games with live dealers from a Farmington Hills studio. This brings the number of live dealer providers authorized in Michigan to three, with the other two being Playtech and Evolution. I found that Rush Games Social Casino truly values its players through a well-structured rewards and loyalty program. As I immersed myself in the gaming experience, I noticed the Rewards Center, a hub where my gameplay was consistently rewarded. It’s not often that a free online casino to win real money in terms of virtual credits offers such a comprehensive loyalty scheme, and Rush Games Social Casino stands out in this regard.

  • lak disse:

    Rugby Tips They provide full match previews for the big games, with comprehensive stats and analysis. As ever though, the key thing is the results they produce, so we will be interested to see how they get on during our trial. Home » Website Tips » Free Soccer Tips Website » Freesupertips Ireland – Division 1 BETARAZI has been a guiding light for those who like sports betting, offering insightful analysis and forecasts for many years. Discover free sports picks from Top prediction site like 1960 tips, AmazingStakes, Stakegains, freesupertips, or Supatips. Serie A Tips With stiff competition on the field, it is difficult to determine the exact outcome of the match. However, based on our analysis and expert insights, we predict a close encounter with a 2-1 victory in favor of Croatia. Read more
    Norwich City will face Cardiff City on the opening day of the new Championship season. Gender: Male Twitter@norwichcityfc You can sign up to receive an e-mail when new countries and features launch. All kick-offs are UK time. Broadcast picks have yet to be announced and all fixture dates and times are subject to change The Athletic has reported on when fans are likely to be able to return, but the full fixture list can be found below. Away Teams L-N Notts County Football Reserve Fixture Programmes Don’t miss a moment of City’s matches throughout the 2023 24 season. To follow all the action, see our list of subscription packages below. Norwich City performance and form graph is a Sofascore unique algorithm that we are generating from the team’s last 10 matches, statistics, detailed analysis and our own knowledge.

  • Glogs disse:

    Cloud CRM challenger ZoomInfo, which went public last summar, this afternoon reported Q4 revenue and profit that topped analysts' expectations, and an outlook for this quarter's revenue, and the full year's, that was higher as well.  The Barchart Technical Opinion widget shows you today’s overally Barchart Opinion with general information on how to interpret the short and longer term signals. Unique to Barchart, Opinions analyzes a stock or commodity using 13 popular analytics in short-, medium- and long-term periods. Results are interpreted as buy, sell or hold signals, each with numeric ratings and summarized with an overall percentage buy or sell rating. After each calculation the program assigns a Buy, Sell, or Hold value with the study, depending on where the price lies in reference to the common interpretation of the study. For example, a price above its moving average is generally considered an upward trend or a buy.
    Global relations also carry weight on certain tech stocks. The issues that arose from trade disputes between the United States and China were a risk for many tech investors during the latter part of 2018. Just as with many of the other stock market sectors, it is essential for investors to be well aware of their surroundings, future government moves, pending earnings reports, and other key events that could become a positive or negative catalyst to determine if it’s time to buy tech stocks. Not all tech stocks are worth trillions, and not all tech stocks worth less than billions should be ignored by investors. One of two FANG stocks to make this list is Alphabet Inc (GOOG). Two main reasons Alphabet made the list as a tech stock to buy in December is that it is a solid delivery stock that even in challenging times can deliver. Secondly, the stock is sitting at a relatively attractive position with its share price.

  • Glogs disse:

    This edible science project is a nutritious way to explore the scientific method in action. Experiment with a variety of methods for baking potatoes—microwaving, using a traditional oven, wrapping them in foil, using baking pins, etc.—testing hypotheses to discover which works best. Use Starburst candies to explore the ways pressure and heat form different types of rock. (You’ll need a heat source, like a toaster oven.) Who knew geology could be so sweet? Ours did that too! I don’t think we noticed crystals until growing until day 3 or so. By day 7 we almost had to chip the top layer a bit to pull the sticks out. We’ve made this and had it fail too. If by day 3 (4 at the latest) you don’t see any growth, go ahead and heat the syrup up and try again. The fact that your syrup is hardening a bit is a good sign that you used enough sugar. I know you can make it with string too instead of wooden skewers. I’m not sure about the lollipop sticks. Good luck! рџ™‚
    Yes, final year projects can be very important for landing a job after graduation. Many employers use final-year projects as a way to assess a candidate’s skills and abilities, and they may even use it as a tiebreaker when reviewing multiple candidates who are equally qualified. As such, students should take their final year projects seriously and put forth their best effort.  Text on-screen: An immersive experience debuting at the Richard Gilder Center for Science, Education, and Innovation, American Museum of Natural History. Opens May 4, 2023. To start brainstorming, explore our Science Fair category for more project ideas and helpful kits. A goal for developing the NGSS was to create a set of research-based, up-to-date K–12 science standards. These standards give local educators the flexibility to design classroom learning experiences that stimulate students’ interests in science and prepares them for college, careers, and citizenship.

  • Glogs disse:

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