Half Time nas Apostas Esportivas
O início nas apostas esportivas pode ser um pouco confuso para a maioria das pessoas. São técnicas, termos, nomes, estratégias e todo um vocabulário novo que precisa ser entendido e aplicado em um curto espaço de tempo. Entre as dúvidas mais comuns, aparecem as siglas. E neste artigo, vamos ajudar a explicar um pouco mais sobre o mercado Half-Time, ou seja, o mercado HT, que se refere a apostas com resultado esperado ao fim de apenas um tempo de jogo.
O que é HT?
No inglês, o termo half time (HT) é utilizado para delimitar uma parte de um evento. Ou seja, sabemos que um jogo de futebol, por exemplo, normalmente é composto por dois tempos de 45 minutos, certo? Logo, o mercado half time é referente a apostas realizadas levando em consideração apenas um tempo de um jogo de futebol, basquete, hóquei, vôlei ou qualquer outro esporte.
Utilizar o exemplo do futebol acaba sendo mais fácil para esclarecer com mais lucidez o que significa esse tipo de mercado chamado half time, porém, como já dissemos, a terminologia half time também serve para partidas de outros esportes. Dito isso, vocês já devem ter notado então que a sigla HT é basicamente a abreviação das iniciais dos dois nomes utilizados para significar o termo half time. O H é half e o T é time.
Por que as pessoas utilizam o mercado HT nas apostas?
Uma das principais motivações que levam as pessoas a apostar no HT é tentar aproveitar uma relação de odds diferente quando comparado ao full time. Explico: muitos apostadores gostam quase sempre de estar ao lado dos times favoritos. É comum ao conversarmos com apostadores que eles nos digam que preferem apostar nos times mais fortes. E isso os leva, vez ou outra, a apostar no mercado de HT, principalmente quando a proporção de favoritismo de um jogo é muito grande e as odds para apostar em mercados como handicaps ou gols no FT está muito esticada.
Isso acontece porque no HT as apostas são proporcionais ao tempo. Ou seja, se uma linha de handicap asiático, por exemplo, para um jogo entre Flamengo e Fluminense está em -1 para o Flamengo levando em consideração o jogo inteiro, no HT essa linha vai estar diferente e o apostador pode entrar em uma linha mais baixa, como um -0.5 para o Flamengo com odds próximas a 2.00.
É preciso destacar que as coisas obviamente não são tão simples assim. As odds de um jogo refletem todos os riscos envolvidos e as probabilidades de cada resultado acontecer. Portanto, não adianta simplesmente achar que é um gênio das apostas por apostar em linhas mais baixas com boas odds no HT, visto que muitas vezes a aposta será vitoriosa, mas isso não significa dizer que você não está tão exposto quanto estaria apostando em uma linha mais alta no mercado FT.
Tudo dentro das apostas tem a ver com calcular bem o risco. Não existe almoço grátis e ao longo da sua caminhada dentro do mercado isso será cada vez mais claro. Por fim, explicamos que esses não são os únicos motivos para alguém apostar no HT. Há pessoas, por exemplo, que tendem a ser um pouco mais ansiosas e não gostam de ficar muito tempo expostas no mercado. Logo, para esse tipo de perfil de apostador é normal optar por apostas no mercado HT, visto que esse tipo de aposta se resolve em apenas 45 minutos e não em 90.
Sites que auxiliam na análise de uma entrada no mercado HT
Fazer análises nas apostas esportivas é algo tido como fundamental para um bom desempenho. A missão, no entanto, nem sempre é tão simples. Contudo, quem executa essa atividade diariamente sabe que existem alguns sites e ferramentas importantes que nos ajudam a estar bem informados, algo que é fundamental dentro das apostas esportivas. Pensando nisso, separamos quatro dicas valiosas de sites que vão te ajudar a qualificar as suas análises por meio de informações detalhadas e de credibilidade. Neste artigo, utilizamos alguns sites que são especializados em diversos esportes e outros que são específicos de futebol.
Um site indispensável para realizar análises de futebol, por exemplo, é o WhoScored, principalmente para aqueles apostadores que gostam de betar em ligas internacionais de futebol. Ferramenta completa nesse segmento, o Whoscored oferece diversas opções de dados e análises sobre os mais diversos campeonatos de futebol do mundo. O sistema oferecido pelo site aos usuários é muito completo e entrega informações estatísticas exclusivas, análises prévias das partidas, além de um sistema de notas para as atuações dos atletas nos jogos, algo que pode facilitar e muito a vida dos apostadores que desejam desenvolver boas estratégias de atuação em jogos de futebol.
FlashScore e SofaScore
Muito populares entre os apostadores, sites como o FlashScore e o SofaScore ajudam no dia a dia de quem faz análises de múltiplos esportes, como futebol, hóquei, basquete, tênis, vôlei, beisebol, futebol americano e outros. A principal função desses sites é fornecer estatísticas a respeito dos jogos de diversos campeonatos e ligas do mundo inteiro. Nesses sites, por exemplo, os apostadores conseguem coletar informações a respeito de tabelas, últimos jogos, resultados recentes e desempenho dos times e dos jogadores. Tudo isso é disponibilizado em tempo real. Plataformas como essas servem como uma espécie de central geral de estatística sobre esportes.
O Footstats, site especializado em coleta e análise de informações relacionadas ao futebol, surge como uma boa opção para informações estatísticas e de análise de jogos no mercado brasileiro. Além das informações oferecidas de forma gratuita na plataforma online da empresa, o Footstats também oferece ferramentas pagas aos usuários que desejam um mapeamento mais completo de dados sobre diversas ligas de futebol pelo mundo, incluindo as ligas brasileiras. Quem gosta de estar por dentro de todas as estatísticas de desempenho de equipes e atletas vai ficar satisfeito com o trabalho dessa empresa.
Globoesporte ou jornais locais
Por fim, mas não menos importante, o Globoesporte.com. Maior portal de notícias do Brasil, o acesso diário ao site é fundamental na construção de qualquer análise de futebol no Brasil. Contudo, sabemos que nem todos os apostadores atuam com o mercado brasileiro de futebol ou outros esportes. Logo, a dica é para que os jogadores procurem sempre estar atualizados sobre as notícias mais recentes dos clubes e ligas que trabalham, independente do esporte. O ideal é buscar sempre estar acessando os principais jornais esportivos do local referente a liga que se pretende trabalhar. Sem as informações mais recentes dos clubes, o apostador tende a sofrer para analisar um jogo. Além da cobertura diária dos clubes por meio dos setoristas, sites de jornalismo esportivo profissional também costumam oferecer acesso a pré-jogos de todas as partidas das principais divisões esportivas.
Diferenças entre o mercado HT e FT nas apostas esportivas
Depois da introdução ao tema, chegou a hora de nos aprofundarmos nas principais diferenças entre os mercados HT e FT nas apostas esportivas. Além da parte do período do jogo ser diferente, com o HT se referindo apenas ao half time, ou seja, primeiro tempo de um jogo, e o FT se referindo ao full time, tempo completo de um jogo, algumas estratégias referentes a esses mercados costumam ser diferentes.
Para ser mais fácil compreender, utilizarei exemplos voltados ao futebol. Em relação a esses mercados, sem dúvida alguma é preciso prestar bastante atenção nas análises de uma aposta no HT. Por se tratar de uma aposta que precisa ser resolvida no primeiro tempo, alguns pontos devem ser considerados, visto que se trata de uma aposta específica.
O período curto de tempo mexe naturalmente na precificação e nas probabilidades do jogo em uma aposta de primeiro tempo. Se você quer fazer uma aposta no HT, terá de precificar o evento levando em consideração um jogo de 45 minutos e não 90. Parece simples conceitualmente falando, mas essa conta envolvendo tempo e valor é complexa.
Outro ponto que não pode deixar de faltar quando falamos sobre apostas HT é a necessidade de analisar os números das equipes neste período de tempo. Por exemplo, não adianta precificar um jogo entre Bayern x Barcelona sem antes conferir como tem sido o rendimento dessas equipes no HT. Simplesmente achar que um time vai vencer ou que vai sair uma quantidade específica de gols no HT não é suficiente. Os números precisam estar ao seu lado.
A principal diferença entre os mercados é justamente essa necessária avaliação diferenciada por conta do tempo. Em relação aos mercados e linhas, nada muda entre o FT e o HT. Handicaps, gols, cartões, tudo isso funciona do mesmo jeito em ambos os times de aposta. O grande X da questão entre esses dois tipos de aposta é exclusivamente o tempo.
Exemplo de entrada no mercado HT
O mercado HT pode ser considerado como alternativo. Como a maioria das pessoas prefere apostar no mercado FT, que leva em consideração o jogo inteiro, as apostas no HT são mais raras, mas isso não significa dizer que elas são diferentes das demais. Por exemplo, em um jogo entre São Paulo e Corinthians, nós resolvemos apostar em uma linha de Over 1.5 gols HT esperando, no mínimo, 2 gols no primeiro tempo da partida para sairmos vitoriosos. Esse é um exemplo de aposta no mercado HT.
Pelo mercado HT se tratar de um mercado alternativo, o apostador precisa ficar muito atento às denominações que as casas de apostas disponibilizam em suas plataformas. A linha principal de um jogo normalmente está condicionada ao tempo inteiro da partida. Como alertamos, o FT é o mercado base das apostas esportivas, portanto, todas as apostas são no mercado FT até que tenhamos alguma sinalização contrária. Ou seja, se uma aposta não tem nenhuma sinalização pela casa de apostas sobre o período, trata-se de uma aposta FT, que leva em consideração o resultado final da partida ao fim de 90 minutos.
Atenção nessa parte para não se confundir. Apesar de termos dentro do mercado das apostas esportivas muitas diferenças entre layouts de uma casa de apostas para outra, todas elas têm a obrigação de identificar de forma clara as apostas que não são no mercado FT. Portanto, não se preocupe, pois esse não vai ser um problema recorrente na sua caminhada. Basta entender os conceitos por trás dos mercados HT e FT (ou variações em outros esportes como basquete e vôlei, que tem diversos tempos/sets) que você será capaz de identificar essas variações dentro da casa, visto que ela certamente vai te ajudar nessa missão.
Pré ou live? Em qual momento as entradas no mercado HT são mais comuns?
Entender em qual momento as apostas no mercado HT são mais comuns é uma missão complexa. Por se tratar de um mercado alternativo, os padrões são muito difíceis de identificar, visto que um número menor de apostadores utilizam esse mercado. A relação dos apostadores com o mercado FT, por exemplo, acaba sendo mais fácil de identificar, visto que o FT é o mercado base das apostas.
Contudo, aproveitamos esse tópico para apontar alguns tipos de estratégias que os apostadores costumam utilizar para apostar no mercado HT tanto no pré quanto no live. Para realizar apostas pré-live no mercado HT, por exemplo, normalmente os apostadores estão munidos de muito estudo analítico com base em aspectos táticos, técnicos e estatísticos.
Em relação às apostas feitas em live no mercado HT, todos os aspectos anteriores são levados em consideração também. Contudo, a leitura de jogo e análise momentânea da partida são fatores que devem se sobressair, principalmente quando lembramos que uma possível aposta realizada nesse mercado necessariamente tem de ser resolvida em 45 minutos (utilizando o futebol como exemplo). E isso é algo importante para se destacar.
As análises feitas antes de um jogo começar são muito importantes, mas elas não podem simplesmente se sobressair completamente ao que está acontecendo no jogo. A missão de todos os apostadores que atuam no live, independente do mercado, seja ele HT ou FT, está justamente na capacidade de encontrar um equilíbrio entre a análise pré-game e a leitura de jogo ao vivo.
Quais são as casas de apostas que disponibilizam esse mercado?
A maioria das casas de apostas disponibilizam apostas no mercado HT. Apesar de não ser considerado um dos principais mercados dentro das apostas esportivas, o HT é bastante popular e talvez seja um dos principais mercados alternativos que existem. Por isso, o apostador que quiser realizar as suas apostas levando em consideração o tempo completo de um jogo vai conseguir fazer isso sem dificuldades em praticamente todas as casas de apostas existentes.
Resumo sobre o mercado HT nas apostas esportivas
Ao longo deste artigo pudemos aprender muito mais sobre o mercado half time nas apostas esportivas. Explicamos o que é, porque ele é utilizado pelos apostadores, mostramos diversos sites que podem ajudar e muito os jogadores a analisar as suas apostas nesse tipo de mercado, além de explicarmos, com exemplo, como devemos realizar uma aposta no HT.
Além desse panorama geral em relação ao half time, conseguimos também clarear as diferenças entre mercados que andam lado a lado, como o FT e o HT, além de explicarmos melhor em qual momento esse tipo de aposta é mais feita pelos apostadores. A conclusão que podemos chegar é que o mercado HT é muito importante para as apostas esportivas e digamos que entender como ele funciona é fundamental para qualquer um que queira estar dentro do universo das apostas.
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When I first thought about how to value cryptocurrencies, I assumed valuation was all really based on sentiment mixed with a little bit of technical analysis voodoo. Hopefully, the above breakdown shows there’s more to the price of Ether than that; the Ethereum protocol has real revenue-generating companies built on top of it. Not a few dollars, we’re talking over $110B in deposits on exchange protocols already. So Ethereum isn’t really a company but it has company-like revenue. Let’s discuss some frameworks for how we can value the currency Ether from a few different angles. Under these circumstances, Ethereum looks almost certain to reach the $10,000 pricing milestone, and then keep going up in the long run. In the process, the market cap will pass the trillion-dollar mark when Ether prices reach $8,221 per coin. As I see it, these landmark metrics are coming, and probably within the next year or two.
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Ontario needs to end its monopoly on its legal cannabis market, said a prominent business organization. Ontario’s only online retailer and wholesaler of legal recreational cannabis. Veryvell Yawn Drops are a THC-dominant, water-soluble cannabis extract with a subtle hint of chamomile extract. The built-in dosing cap means that you have the ability to add as little as ~1 mg of THC per 2 drops – putting you in control of the experience you’re looking for. OCS provides adults in Ontario with access to reliable cannabis products for responsible use and aims to help consumers separate cannabis myths from facts. If you’re unfamiliar with consuming cannabis or simply trying something new, please visit our Learn section for factual information about cannabis and cannabis consumption.
This page will automatically redirect in 5 seconds… A no-brainer, indeed. And yet, here we are almost three years after Canada legalized recreational cannabis, and Congress continues to bumble and stumble toward federal legalization. http://edition.cnn.com/2013/10/04/opinion/carpenter-drug-war/index.html While the Government of Canada has deemed these recreational cannabis products, legal, “Federal licence holders will need to provide 60-days notice to Health Canada of their intent to sell new products, as they are currently required to do,” as required by the Cannabis Act. It’s been too easy for our kids to get marijuana – and for criminals to reap the profits. Today, we change that. Our plan to legalize & regulate marijuana just passed the Senate. #PromiseKept
The biggest challenge for MediJean and other licensed producers will be getting the medical community on board. In the old system, Health Canada was the gatekeeper—reviewing patients’ personal medical information to determine who would get medical marijuana. As of April 1, that responsibility falls to a patient’s doctor and early noises from the Canadian Medical Association aren’t entirely positive. © Bodystream Medical | Privacy Policy WEBSITE DESIGN BY MEDIA SUITE INC Click To See What Open Now Health renewed Meanwhile, the Conservative government has caused an uproar by rewriting rules governing the medicinal use of pot. As of April 1, 2014, medical doctors and nurse practitioners will be the only ones allowed to prescribe cannabis, taking naturopaths, traditional-Chinese-medicine practitioners, and others out of the process. Storefront or retail operations, including dispensaries, are also not permitted under the new regulations, and according to Gonzalez’s report, there are no provisions for cannabis-based products, such as tinctures, edible goods, and creams. Personal-production licences expire at the end of March, which will force users to buy from licensed large-scale commercial producers.
Growth opportunities continue to exist for Canada’s operators, but the competition in established U.S. markets has stifled their expansion. The U.S. has experienced a lesser degree of frothy capital allocation, and the large operators are demonstrating a difference in fundamentals by increasing gross profits, operating cash flow and securing free cash flow. Canopy Growth stock took an 11% tumble after the Canadian company said last week that it sold less marijuana in its March quarter than in the December period—and at narrower profit margins. In 2018, pot stocks like Auxly soared. “If you had the word cannabis in your company title, people were throwing money at you. It was investing in a dream,” says Trisha LeBlanc, a CPA who leads Grant Thornton’s national cannabis practice. But since the summer of 2019, cannabis stocks have tumbled—the largest ETF in the cannabis sector, for instance, lost half its value in the year after legalization.
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Welcome Bonuses consist of the largest offer you can possibly receiveOne can benefit from such bonus upon registrationUnless you take advantage of No Deposit Bonuses, these bonuses are given after depositing moneySome popular Welcome Bonuses include Cash Match, Staggered Cash Match and Make Your Own Bonus The sign up bonus on this card is low ($50 when you use a referral) but the real bonus is that after the first year you get your cash back doubled for that year (not including the $50 referral bonus). This card has 5% rotating categories (up to $1,500 in spend per quarter), this means you’ll get 10% cash back on those categories. This card really only makes sense if you’ll be able to max out those categories at least some of the time.
Tickets for the game at Wembley Stadium sold out before tournament began and the two finalists were confirmed this week when England and Germany defeated Sweden and France respectively. The iconic Wembley Stadium is also one of the host cities and will host 8 matches out of the 51 scheduled. With a capacity of 90,000, only 22,500 fans have been allowed to be seated. However, changes can be made for the semi-final and finals clash which can seat a possibility of 45,000 fans. Matches taking place at Stadium MK are: Dedicated 20 minute Shuttle Bus service will be provided for all fans to travel between the MK Fan Party and Stadium MK, before and after the UEFA Women’s EURO 2022 games in MK. Click the link below to book. Having entertained the Lionesses in their 2019 Women’s World Cup warm-up clash with Canada, the Academy Stadium – home of City’s women’s team and youth sides – will house a hat-trick of group stage games.
Nothing is perfect, however, and there are a few frustrations nearly every Ultimate Team player has shared over the years. It has surpassed career mode, Virtual Pro and pretty much everything else as the most popular aspect of EA Sports’ football game and spawned copycats from their rivals. The trade happened hours after the Marlins introduced Jean Segura at their ballpark, with general manager Kim Ng saying the team expects Segura — who has been a middle infielder for almost the entirety of his 11-year career — to play third base. But with Rojas gone, it’s possible Segura may see some time at shortstop for Miami. Microsoft Excel World Championship is open to any participant regardless of age, gender, race, place of living, or any other limiting factor.
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Manage your budget when playing online with our player-friendly tools. While we would have liked to have seen a regional room with the same vibrancy and allure as the main PokerStars .com site, the NJ offering falls quite a bit short. This is only to be expected as the population of New Jersey is just over nine million while there are hundreds of millions of people in the worldwide areas that PokerStars serves. Those who are just visiting the state are also able to register and play, but even when we consider these transient players as part of the total, we can easily see that there’s no chance of this single state hosting as many real money poker customers as the rest of the world combined. Pokerstars seem to leave this door wide open to them, as they have clearly detailed to me in their emails that aggressive play between these players, will eventually lead their investigation team to believe that they are not colluding, this paired with them living in different countries… They are immune to bans and can steal from you forever…. What’s more… It doesn’t even matter if they get banned, because Pokerstars, despite what they say, will not notice that it is them, if they simply make a new account and start doing the exact same thing, in a friends name, or some needy persons name, who made an account for them in exchange for a cut in the profits or a small sum of cash….
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This could be termed as the “advertisement” for your article. Make it interesting and easily understood without the reader having to read the whole article. Be accurate and specific, and keep it as brief and concise as possible. Some journals (particularly in the medical fields) will ask you to structure the abstract in distinct, labeled sections, which makes it even more accessible. This could be termed as the “advertisement” for your article. Make it interesting and easily understood without the reader having to read the whole article. Be accurate and specific, and keep it as brief and concise as possible. Some journals (particularly in the medical fields) will ask you to structure the abstract in distinct, labeled sections, which makes it even more accessible.
You may also find agencies which employ the best experts at writing a research paper. The addition of a location to this topic may result in very few results. Depending on the type of research you are doing (discussion, paper, dissertation), you may want to remove the geographic limit. Both the scope and the purpose of your research project will affect whether this topic needs to be refined. A topic that is too narrow usually has many concepts, or focuses on a specific geographic area or group. This type of search will find few, if any, results. These are examples of narrow topics: College students may face the necessity to write an assignment on education even when they are not majoring in it. While these topics are usually complex for research, you can always narrow things down and focus on those aspects that you know well. For example, if you are majoring in Law, you may focus on the legal consequences of plagiarism. Likewise, nursing students can talk about college stress and obesity.
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Live! Casino & Hotel’s Miracle Pop-up Bar, hosted in its exclusive Club 21, will run through January 1 and feature holiday events such as a Christmas Wreath Making Class, a Holiday Cocktail Class, and an Ugly Sweater Party. In addition, Club 21 will be decked out in festive favorites, including an upside-down Christmas tree, string lights, and a fake fireplace. The holiday pop-up will be open weekly on Thursdays 6-10 p.m., Fridays 6-11 p.m., Saturdays 5-11 p.m., and Sundays 5-10 p.m. Gambling can be harmful if not controlled and may lead to addiction! Home » Live Dealer Casinos » Live Dealer Blackjack Casinos Most of Arizona’s tribes either operate a casino or have the power to do so. But are they well-positioned to launch AZ online casino apps in the future? It’s true that the tribal casinos have a long experience of running land-based casinos in the state. By the end of 2022, most casinos will have some kind of online sports betting up and running.
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You wont find the PokerStars real money app download in the Google Play Store, only the PokerStars Lite app. To download the real money version of the PokerStars Android app, you need to get it directly from their website (pokerstars not pokerstars.eu or pokerstars.es). The reason that is not listed at the Play Store is that Google does not allow foreign gambling apps in another country. PokerStars is a licensed safe online poker site based in the UK. Video Poker Classic greets you with bustling slot machine that sounds like you’re in the middle of a casino. Claiming to be the No1 video poker game app on mobile, it offers a sizable roster of 39 games. This includes but is not limited to Ultra Bonus Poker, All American, Joker Poker and many more. Each game has a single-hand and multi-hand version.
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Liberty Slots Casino appears on only one blacklist, which hasn’t influenced our rating of this casino. We’ve chosen to ignore it either because it’s related to the casino’s previous owner, or because of some other applicable reason. There is no live dealer section at Liberty Slots Casino. If you’re craving some classic table games, you can still play RNG titles but you won’t be able to have the face-to-face experience that live casino games provide. If you want to take a closer look at Liberty Slots casino, find out more about their gaming portfolio and promotional packages, stay with us, and keep reading! Take your gaming on the go with a convenient mobile casino, accessible at m.libertyslots.eu. The software is available for Windows, Apple and Android devices, and all the same categories are on hand, with more than 60 games to choose from and new titles regularly added each month. You can even participate in mobile tournaments and unlimited free play. Use your existing account details to get started!
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Despite the fact that, as Shakespeare said, “the pen is mightier than the sword,” the pen itself is not enough to make an effective writer. In fact, though we may all like to think of ourselves as the next Shakespeare, inspiration alone is not the key to effective essay writing. You see, the conventions of English essays are more formulaic than you might think – and, in many ways, it can be as simple as counting to five. Citation: Fleckenstein J, Meyer J, Jansen T, Keller S and KÖller O (2020) Is a Long Essay Always a Good Essay? The Effect of Text Length on Writing Assessment. Front. Psychol. 11:562462. doi: 10.3389 fpsyg.2020.562462 Read your essay’s first paragraph aloud and listen to your writing’s tone. Does the opening line’s tone match the rest of the paragraph, or is there a noticeable tone shift from the first line or two to the rest? In many cases, you can hear whether your tone is appropriate for your essay. Beyond listening for the right tone, use Grammarly’s tone detector to ensure that your essay introduction—as well as the rest of your essay—maintains the right tone for the subject you’re covering.
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The data from CoinGecko, a crypto data aggregator, indicates that the total crypto market value crosses $1.9 trillion a few days ago. This was after the market hit the mark since May 18. Find other winning investment ideas with the Yahoo Finance Screener. Crypto prices, much like prices in the stock market, generally follow cyclical patterns. Periods when prices are going up and investors are optimistic are known as “bull” markets, while periods when prices are going down are known as “bear” markets. Market data powered by Xignite. Launched in September 2017 by Justin Sun, Tron is a blockchain ecosystem focused on decentralizing the internet through blockchain technology and decentralized apps. Tron hosts the largest circulating supply of stablecoins in the world, according to CoinMarketCap.
‘ + cookie_bar_message + ‘ ‘ + cookieBarButtonText + ‘ Before day trading Bitcoin or any other altcoins, it’s also important to check how liquid the cryptocurrency you wish to trade is. You can do so by simply verifying the 24-hour volume of the crypto trade. Traders can go long or short if they think the cryptocurrency will rise or fall in value. Cryptocurrency CFDs can be traded with leverage, however profit or loss is still calculated according to your full position size, so leverage increases both profit and loss. Digital asset exchanges have a variety of tools traders can use to prevent mistakes and prevent losing trades from spiraling out of control; these include stop loses and limit orders. Crypto-traders must understand the different order types and loss mitigation techniques. A crypto-trader is someone who profits from short-term changes in the market price of cryptocurrencies, altcoins, and value tokens. The goal, of course, is to buy when prices are low and sell when they rise higher. Trading can be lucrative, and many people have made fortunes doing it. This article will reveal the five things you must understand if you want to become a successful crypto-trader.
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Learn about our Editorial Policy. Here’s an overview of the best dating apps and sites on the market. My recommendations are based primarily on my own experiences in the online dating arena as a woman, with some word-of-mouth impressions from friends thrown in for good measure. Are they in a bar or nightclub in every shot? If so, don’t contact them if you’re someone who likes to be in bed by 9pm. Late night dates a bit of you? You might want to head to one of London’s best rooftop bars (opens in new tab) together. Here at WIRED, we couldn’t help but think there might be a better way to optimize your chances, so we pulled massive amounts of data from OkCupid and Match, searching for tips that might help you master Internet dating and find someone awesome.
Late Sunday night, Crypto tweeted that a small number of users had reported “suspicious activity” and said withdrawals would be suspended while the team investigated. In some cases, your login credentials are required for us to complete the verification process and confirm that the bank account being linked is actually your bank account. Fidelity only uses this information once during the login process, and the data is not stored in any manner whatsoever. Tech Support Scam – Tech support scammers want victims to believe they have a serious problem with their computer, like a virus. They want victims to pay for tech support services the victims don’t need, to fix a problem that doesn’t exist. They often ask victims to pay by wiring money, putting money on a gift card, prepaid card or cash reload card, or using a money transfer app because they know those types of payments can be hard to reverse.
Unfortunately, making purchases when traffic is low on the blockchain is the only quick fix to high gas fees. Some crypto enthusiasts suspect the impending Ethereum Merge will solve this issue, but that’s not the case. This is mainly because the first version of Ethereum 2.0 changes the consensus layer of Ethereum but does not touch the data availability or execution layers. Currently, 1 GWEI is equal to $ 0.000002 USD. Using the current live conversion rate. Technically, GWEI is a denomination of ETH – each GWEI is equal to 0.000000001 ETH. Ethereum. “Gas and Fees.” Easily convert Ethereum Gas (GWEI) to United States Dollar (USD) using the live market value. $ | > 10 Minutes Home » NFT News » Cheapest ETH Gas Fees: When are Ethereum Gas Prices at their Lowest?
The casino is owned by Direx N.V. Casinos. It was founded in 2017. The casino has a license to operate, while its licensor is Curacao. Services are not available in 9 countries such as Italy, France, USA, Netherlands, UK, and some others. The casino supports many currencies, among them Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Norwegian krone, US dollar, Swedish krona, Euro, etc. According to the policy of Konung Casino, the limit for withdrawing funds won is 2500 EUR in 1 week, 10,000 EUR in 1 month. Choosing an online casino that accepts the cryptocurrency you have purchased is critical. It is also best to consider other factors, such as the variety of games offered and the general reputation of the casino. You will then need to wire the cryptocurrency to the corresponding wallet. It is often easier than traditional payment options, and you should be done in a few clicks.
We have noticed that you use AdBlock. We do not display any ads, but links to some casinos may not work with AdBlock on. Please, turn off your AdBlock or whitelist our website to be able to visit all listed casinos. This exclusive no deposit bonus can be claimed using our special bonus code. So what are you waiting for, why not take a punt on Punt Casino and grab your free spins code through FreeSpinny? BBitcoin is the most prevalent crypto for online gaming, but other cryptocurrencies are quickly being embraced by leading crypto casino sites offering no deposit bonuses. Notably, ETH, ADA, and BNB are gaining traction. Do not overlook any meme coin (such as DOGE) either, given the remarkably strong bond between meme enthusiasts and gamblers. 4. Don’t forget to check generous Manga Casino Welcome Offer which contains a Up To €$300 + 50 Free Spins on “Moon Princes” slot.
American roulette is one of the mostly widely available and played variations in roulette casinos today. In American roulette, the numbered wheel features an additional “00” double zero as well as the standard “0” found in European roulette. The inclusion of this “00” isn’t a positive for players though as it moves the house edge further in favor of the casino. If you see an online casino promotion offering free spins, it’s likely referring to being able to play for free spins on slots as opposed to free roulette games. While it’s not totally out of the realm of possibility that you might find some “free spins of the roulette wheel”, it’s not something you’ll come across very often at online casinos. If you do enjoy slots as well as live dealer games, then free spins offers will definitely be worth claiming, as you might just land yourself a win.
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There are two ways that AFF programs reward those who refer customers. The first is through a cost per acquisition (CPA) scheme. This takes the form of a one-time fee for each referral. CPAs are often found where a customer is likely to make only one purchase (eg: for a single piece of kit). In some cases, this can be a hefty chunk of commission on the sale, but this accounts for the fact that it’s the only payment you’ll get for the referral. Note: The equivalent USD:CRO rate is calculated based on your referrals’ sign-up bonus unlock time (when they complete a valid transaction). While your referrals’ USD:CRO rate is calculated based on the sign-up bonus lock time when they register to the referral program successfully. Having staked 5,000 you will be able to order a Crypto Metal Visa card
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In June 2020, the first-ever FanDuel branded standalone online casino app was launched in PA. In January 2021, FanDuel Online Casino launched in Michigan as a pair of mobile apps and a website through a partnership with MotorCity Casino Hotel in Detroit. Another FanDuel branded standalone online casino app launched in West Virginia in May 2021 under The Greenbrier’s license. And finally, FanDuel moved away from piggybacking on other brands or apps in New Jersey in the summer of 2021 and launched a FanDuel NJ casino app. Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress. FanDuel Casino is a leading option for online casino users in New Jersey. Sign up to FanDuel Casino today and get a up to $2,000 back if you’re down after your first day at FanDuel.
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Shareable URL copied to clipboard! Leeds lined up in a 4-2-3-1 shape, which has been their preferred formation all season, using it 75% of the 23 24 campaign. Like their Wembley counterparts, Leeds fielded the same starting 11 that brought them victory in their playoff semi-final second leg. Right back, Sam Byram was the only player who played the first leg but missed out on the remaining two fixtures due to a hip problem. Up front, Patrick Bamford was hoping to be back among the squad following a recent injury, but that was not to be – Joël Piroe was tasked with leading the line. Valencia CF will play two of its 24-25 preseason matches against PSV Eindhoven and Leeds United FC, respectively. We analyse the main talking points from Southampton’s win over Leeds in the Championship play-off final at Wembley
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The best times to post on Instagram on Thursdays are 7 a.m., 8 a.m., and 4 p.m, according to Buffer data. These posting times tended to see more engagement than those posted during other times of the day. 1. The best time to post on Instagram: 11 AM to 2 PM2. The best days to post on Instagram: Tuesday3. The best day and time to post on Instagram: Tuesday between 11 AM & 2 PM4. The worst day and time to post on Instagram: Sunday Mondays and Tuesdays are the best days for finance sector Instagram posting. On Friday, posting between 12 pm and 3 pm and Tuesday between 1 am, and 3 am has gained the highest engagement. Instagram Posting from the Finance sector on Saturday has been least beneficial. When is the best time to post on Instagram? Does everyone have the same best day and time to post on Instagram? What’s the winning combination here?
Un aspect crucial pour tout casino en ligne est la rapidité des paiements. ScratchMania s’engage à traiter les demandes de retrait sous 2 jours ouvrables, ce qui est assez standard dans le secteur. Ce délai permet au casino d’effectuer toutes les vérifications nécessaires pour prévenir la fraude et garantir la sécurité des fonds des joueurs. Plusieurs joueurs ont confirmé la ponctualité des paiements, soulignant la fiabilité du casino dans cet aspect . Un aspect crucial pour tout casino en ligne est la rapidité des paiements. ScratchMania s’engage à traiter les demandes de retrait sous 2 jours ouvrables, ce qui est assez standard dans le secteur. Ce délai permet au casino d’effectuer toutes les vérifications nécessaires pour prévenir la fraude et garantir la sécurité des fonds des joueurs. Plusieurs joueurs ont confirmé la ponctualité des paiements, soulignant la fiabilité du casino dans cet aspect .
Cette interdiction est prononcée en cas de troubles à l’ordre ou à la tranquillité ou au déroulement normal des jeux dans les casinos, clubs de jeux et jeux en ligne. Comme elle le promettait depuis l’annonce des Jeux olympiques de Paris, Anne Hidalgo a nagé dans la Seine ce mercredi 17 juillet. Pour l’occasion, notre journaliste Alix Girod de l’Ain s’est jointe à la maire de Paris pour une baignade historique. Ce comportement excessif est facilité par un accès facile aux jeux. «Il y a des machines dans tous les cafés et, avec son téléphone, on peut jouer partout», soupire le fonctionnaire. Bien que les casinos en ligne soient interdits au Grand-Duché, les joueurs peuvent accéder aux sites hébergés notamment à Malte. C’est à partir de la publicité de l’un de ces sites que le quinquagénaire a commencé. Attiré par un bonus offert de 250 euros, il clique sur le lien «et là, c’est la cuisine du diable qui s’ouvre».
To buy BNB directly from MetaMask, you’ll have to use the third parties provided. In this case, we can use Transak, which supports credit debit cards, bank transfers in 100+ countries, Apple Pay and MobiKwik. The second option is to use MoonPay, which supports credit debit cards, Samsung Pay, and supports bank transfers in over 145 countries. Buy bnb (bep2) on kucoin(no kyc necessary), send bnb to trust wallet. Convert bnb (bep2) to BNB(bep20). There is a lot happening in the cryptocurrency market right now, with a variety of tokens created on different platforms and a mode of operation that is very unlike that of traditional financial institutions. Both novice and experienced investors can use our comparison tables to simplify the process of identifying the right cryptocurrencies for them.
In terms of recent developments for Dogecoin, there have been several notable advancements aimed at increasing its utility and adoption. The Dogecoin Foundation has been actively working on projects like GigaWallet, LibDogecoin, and RadioDoge. Under the laws that govern sweepstakes, companies must provide a means for participants to enter for free, which explains the archaic 3×5 index card option in Coinbase’s Dogecoin promo. In many cases, though, companies also provide other means of entry that entails payment—an option the companies typically prefer. One of the winners will get $300,000 worth of Dogecoin, the other ten will receive $30,000, and 6000 winners will be accredited $100 worth of the cryptocurrency. Coinbase, a major player in the cryptocurrency exchange realm, encountered a legal setback as a federal judge ruled against their attempt to transfer a lawsuit related to their Dogecoin sweepstakes into arbitration. This denial paves the way for the case to proceed within the court system. The legal dispute, filed in 2021, centers on the allegation that Coinbase misled its users regarding the prerequisites for participating in the “Trade Doge, Win Doge” promotion.
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U.S. players do have access to online poker sites like PokerStars New Jersey, PokerStars Michigan, PokerStars Pennsylvania, partypoker NJ, and BetMGM Poker Michigan. All of those sites, however, only allow players from within their respective states. Really, it’s free! 8 easy-to-read charts. This is the most efficient and quickest way to improve your poker game! Minimum requirement to run WSOP – Poker Games Online on your PC Book your stay 30 days in advance and receive 25% off your booking! During a given week, you should make it a goal to read at least two poker guides on your topic. If you are currently reading a book, or have a poker book in your library with some solid chapters on your topic, then definitely use those. They can either replace the two articles or they can be with the two articles, but definitely make sure you spend some time reading this topic.
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Depositing money at an online bingo site with PayPal is so simple. Provided that your PayPal account is in credit via a debit card or another funding source, then you can start playing bingo games straight away. If you had asked that question in 2010 the answer would have been ‘none!’. At the time PayPal banned online bingo sites (or any kind of wagering site) from using their services. This ban has now been relaxed, and it is estimated that £55 million is spent per annum at online gambling sites using PayPal. One fairly universal truth with online bingo is that debit and credit cards, while accepted at almost all sites, have longer waiting times than e-wallets. A withdrawal to a card will likely take 3-5 working days after processing, if not longer. PayPal, in comparison, will be transferred in a matter of minutes, as soon as the payment is processed at the site’s end. The money just has to be withdrawn to your bank from PayPal then, or used anywhere that you’d spend PayPal money.
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Available in black and rose gold shades, this smooth liquid eyeliner offers a fun way to stylize your eyes. Use one or pair both hues for a two-toned lid look that won’t go unnoticed. Here at Allure, our staffers are testing eyeliners (and makeup in general) just about every day, so there’s a reason why we gave Deck of Scarlet’s Dual Drama Liquid Eyeliner our most prestigious accolade, the Allure Best of Beauty Award, back in 2021. One side of this dual-ended liner contains a classic matte black formula that can be worn alone or with the other side’s duo-chrome shimmer layered on top. “Metallics can sometimes be a little easier to apply than black,” says Uslan, specifying that black is less forgiving and spotlights any mistakes. NYX Epic Wear Metallic Waterproof Liquid Liner is a great option for exploring metallic effects. It comes in black metal, gunmetal, silver metal, brown metal, teal metal, and fuchsia metal, and Harris says, “The applicator tip is very fine, so you will have maximum control of the placement.” He recommends pairing metallic eyeliner with shadow brushed across the lid as a backdrop to really help it stand out.
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You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. The federal law does not prohibit players from the US to register real money online accounts at Poker Sites since the future of online poker regulation is still left in the hands of the state governments. Several Top Online Poker Sites servicing the US market include Intertops Poker, BetOnline, Bovada, Ignition and American Card Room. Game-Specific Bonuses: If you’re an experienced online poker player specializing in a particular variant or tournament format, seek bonuses tailored to your preferred game type to maximize their value.
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